Page 44 of Priest

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“Run!” I scream with all my might. She turns and races down the stairs. I dash after her. I glance behind me to see Priest’s mom coming after us. She stops to aim at Camille.

“You bitch! You turned my boys on me. You’re a fucking witch. You killed my John. He would have done anything for his mama. Then you tell your lies to James and make him leave me,” she rants.

Camille is frozen like a deer in headlights, unable to move. Her mother’s vicious words have rendered her immobile.

It all happens so fast. Demon is barreling toward us, but Camille isn’t moving. I rush toward her and shove her out of the way when the bang goes off. Suddenly, there’s a fiery pang in my gut, and Camille is on the ground at Demon’s feet.

Demon speeds past me and runs up the stairs. That’s the last I see before darkness takes me.

* * *


“Yo, man. We’re on our way back,” I say into the cell. It’s Ghost calling to do his regular check-in.

“Brother, you gotta get back here quick. I’m sorry. I am so fucking sorry…” Ghost’s voice trails off.

A sick feeling comes over me. Quinn! “Where’s Quinn?” I ask, terrified of the answer.

“She’s being rushed into surgery. Saint’s on it. Camille is there too.”

I turn to Roscoe. “Step on it. Quinn’s at the hospital.” I get back to Ghost and ask, “What the fuck happened?”

“Your mother showed up at her place. As soon as Demon found out, he was on his way. Quinn got shot trying to get away from her. It’s bad, Priest. Hurry home.”

Roscoe drives like a bat out of hell and turns an hour-and-a-half drive into a forty-five minute race. All I can think of is getting to Quinn. This is all my fault. My fucking mother has done her worst, trying to take the woman I love from me.

* * *

They’re all waiting for me at the hospital. Camille rushes to me, her arm in a cast. She’s sobbing into my chest. “She saved me. Mom was aiming for me. The bullet was meant for me.” I put my arms around her and hold her tightly.

Around the room, I see the entire Pride family. Ava gently moves Camille out of my arms and sits her back down next to her. I see my father with his head in his hands, openly weeping.

Demon approaches and pulls me in close. “I’m so sorry. Thirty seconds sooner and—”

“Not your fault,” I tell him. I look him in the eye, “Tell me you got her?”

“She’s in custody. Another tenant heard the screaming and called the cops. I’ve called Bethany. She and Frankie are on their way. Should be here within the hour. Bethany called Quinn’s family. They’re on their way too.”

I turn and look to the doors where I know Saint will appear, never taking my eyes off them. Guard comes to stand to one side, and Ghost on the other, never leaving me.


It’s Good to Be Home


“She’s stable,” Saint tells me. “Quinn will stay in the intensive care unit for at least twenty-four hours. If all goes well, we’ll move her into a regular room tomorrow. Quinn’s lucky the bullet didn’t hit any major arteries, but she’s lost a lot of blood. Camille was smart and kept pressure on the wound until the EMTs arrived. We’ve got her doped up pretty good. The body heals when it’s in a resting state. We’ll be monitoring her closely and reducing the meds if we think she can handle it.”

“I have to be with her,” I insist.

“For sure. I just want to prepare you for all the shit you’ll be seeing. It looks worse than it is, but all those tubes are doing what they need to do. Quinn’s a fighter.” Saint clasps an arm around my shoulders and walks me into her room.

An older, gray-haired nurse is scuttling about, making notes in her chart and adjusting Quinn’s pillow to make her comfortable. Then she indicates a chair next to her bed. “Take a seat, son. Hold her hand. Girls like it when you hold their hand,” she says encouragingly.

I do what she says. Tears flow freely down my face. I can’t imagine my life without Quinn. Hatred and anger rise through my soul when I think of my mother shooting her. Quinn’s never done anything to her. The bullet was meant for me. She came to Quinn’s place looking for me.

All I can do is hold her hand. I’ve never prayed. I don’t even know if I believe in God. But at this moment, I bend my head and ask for my Quinn to come back to me.
