Page 45 of Priest

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The room is dark when I feel a touch on my shoulder. I look up to see Quinn’s father, Dell, looking down on me.

“James.” His voice is raw as he looks from me to his daughter lying in the hospital bed.

“Yes, sir.”

“Your friends explained what happened. The doctors say she’s doing well, all things considered. How are you doing?” he asks. I’m startled by his question. He sees my expression and explains, “My girl loves you, and she’d be pissed if we didn’t look after you while she’s busy recovering.”

“This is my fault. I brought my mother to her door.”

“The only one to blame is in custody. If there’s any justice in this world, she’ll pay for what she’s done to Quinn. It seems that your father and sister are taking this very hard. Looks like my girl surrounded herself with a lot of love.”

“It’s impossible not to love her,” I say.

He nods at me. “Ain’t that the truth.” He lets out a sigh. “Only two people are allowed in at one time. Quinn’s mother is losing her mind out there, along with her sister. Why don’t we take a walk while they have a visit?”

I don’t want to leave her. “I can’t.”

“Listen to me, you can’t do anything for her now. Let’s grab a bite in the cafeteria. Just you and me. Quinn will need you when she wakes up. She was an awful patient as a child. She was headstrong and insisted she was fine when she wasn’t. I’ve got to get you caught up so you know how to deal with her.”

Reluctantly, I rise to my feet, then bend to kiss her cheek.

“Love you, baby,” I whisper.

* * *


Do I hear music? Is that a Lucien Bardon song? It is. It’s the duet with Maddie from the Smoking Guns. Am I in heaven? Do they play music in heaven?

God, my eyes feel so heavy, and I ache all over. I feel a touch on my hand. Soft, a kiss.

“Baby, come back to me. I can’t do this without you. You’re a part of me.” It’s Priest. He sounds so sad, so rough. I wiggle my fingers to get his attention. “Baby?” His voice is raw with emotion. I make a superhuman effort and manage to open my eyes, to find Priest gazing down on me.

I’m alive. I gaze around the room. I’m in a hospital. The beeping machine beside me confirms it. “Shh, I’m okay,” I croak.

“Not completely, but you’re going to be,” he says, his lips brushing over mine.

“I hurt,” I tell him, and I do. The pain is dull, but constant. He clicks the buzzer to call in the nurse.

“Nurse will be here in a second. Your parents are here. They’re staying at the club. Your sister and her husband too. Guard is getting them whatever they need. They went home to rest, but they’ll be back soon. Bethany and Frankie too,” he says softly.

“You’re having a party without me,” I say, trying to lighten the mood, but Priest isn’t having any of it.

He furrows his brow, and his face twists with anguish. “I’m so sorry. My mother—”

“Do not take this on,” I say sharply, causing more pain that forces me to moan.


I take a deep breath. That hurts too, but I persevere. “Enough,” I say. “You are not responsible. That woman is unbalanced. No one could have known that she would have shown up with a gun. I mean, who does that except a crazy person.” I sigh. “Please do not do this to yourself. I’m begging you.”

“Calm down, precious,” he says quietly.

“Promise,” I demand.

“I’ll try.”
