Page 46 of Priest

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“Try hard.”


The door swings open, and the nurse comes through, all bright-eyed and happy. “It’s so good to see your pretty eyes,” the motherly nurse says. “I’m Jessica, your nurse for the day. The doctor’s on his way. I’m just going to take some vitals in the meantime.”

“I’m going to call Saint and your parents. They’re going to want to see you,” Priest says.

“Wait. Camille?” I remember pushing Camille, but have no idea if she’s all right.

“Camille’s good. You saved her life, you know. She’s been a mess, but she’s going to love hearing that you’re awake.”

“I think Demon was there too.” Everything is so fuzzy.

“Yeah. He’s kicking his ass for not getting there sooner. He had a man on my mom. He called and warned Demon that she was at an apartment building. When Demon recognized the address, he bolted over there, but the damage was done. He was able to disarm my mother, and the cops got there at the same time. The neighbors heard the yelling and called it in.”

“Then I need to see Demon and Camille as well. This was an unfortunate event that we all have to put behind us. Do you think they’ll come?” I ask.

“Demon’s out in the waiting room. The Pride has taken over the waiting room. Steady finally convinced Camille to go home and rest, but if I know my sister, she’ll be back here before you know it,” he says. “Let the doctor do his thing, and I’ll go get Demon.”

I hold out my hand, and he immediately takes it. “I love you, Priest. Never forget that.”

“Most beautiful words I’ve ever heard. Love you back.”

* * *


Three weeks later…

Her father is right. Quinn is the worst patient in the world. She made such a fuss in the hospital about wanting to go home that I finally conceded, along with the medical team, on the proviso that we have a nurse check in daily and she comes to her regular checkups.

I refuse to have her go back to her apartment, where it all went down. My brothers and I moved everything out of her place and into our new house. Dad came to help. He insisted, as a matter of fact. Dad’s been struggling with what happened. It seems that all of us are feeling guilty. His sponsor and the AA meeting are helping him through it. Surprisingly enough, he’s staying the course and starts a job on Monday.

While Quinn was recovering, she mentioned that she took the letter and hid it from my mother. After she gave it to me, I put it on the table. I stare at it, day in and day out. It’s not that I don’t want to know what’s in it, it’s just that things are finally settling down. Does what’s written in it really matter?

Quinn and I talked about it and decided it was time to put it to rest. We sat next to one another as I read this aloud.


There’s so much I regret in my heart, but my biggest regret is not being the father you needed me to be. I could give a ton of excuses but that’s all they’d be.

There is one memory of you that I hold dear to my heart. Bases were loaded and you were on deck. The people in the stands were on their feet. It was bottom of the ninth and your team was down by two. I didn’t dare sit with the rest of the parents. I’d be an embarrassment. But I stood by the fence and watched. You were determined to hit that ball. That’s when I saw that you were meant for greatness. I saw that ball soar through the air for a home run.

I was so proud of you that day. But life was beating you down, and eventually, you gave up on anything that brought you joy. I wanted to save you, but I couldn’t even save myself.

I hated what I had become, but when I saw you and Camille together, as a brother and sister should be, I was so happy that you had each other.

The greatest gift I can give you is the memories that I know you cherished as a kid. They’re all in the box. I hope they bring you peace.

Finally, I want to tell you that I have a small insurance policy. It isn’t much, but I’ve managed to keep up with all the payments and have named you and your sister as beneficiaries. I don’t have the right to ask, but I will anyway: protect your sister from your mother. She’s out for all she can get and has her sights set on the both of you.

I love you, my boy.

Forever your dad.”

I didn’t know how to react. I was moved from anger to sadness and even relief. It took me some time to figure it all out, but with Quinn by my side, helping me to work it out, I discovered that I could love my father and still be angry. It’s going to take time for Dad to earn my trust.

The Lady Pride have embraced Quinn as one of their own. There’s always one looking out for her when I’m not there. Her parents went home as soon as Quinn was settled at home. Her sister stayed an extra day with her husband, to spend some sisterly time with her. I’ve had a chance to connect with her family and am grateful that they accept me and my Pride family.
