Page 11 of Light Me Up

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“What’s up, Zo?” he answers.

“How’s Ryan?” I slur. I shove my palm into the ground and force myself to sit upright.

“Ryan? Hold on, I’m coming,” he says.

“Don’t bother, she’s not home.”

“Who’s not home? Zo, where thefuckare you?”

“I had to try… And see her… I had to…” I start sliding against the door again, but I force myself back up. I shake my head, willing my bloodshot eyes to focus on the wall in front of me.

“Bro, what the fuck are you doing?” He doesn’t sound angry anymore. More like he’s at a loss. “I’ll come get you.”

“Nah, nah, I’m good. I’m coming back.”

“Now.” It’s not a question.


“Dude, what the fuck?” Santi rushes me the moment I walk up the driveway.

“Quit overreacting. I’m fine.”

“You’ve gotta cut this out, Zo. She’s…” He continues talking, but his voice is blocked out by the darkness of my mind. I don’t realize I’m falling until Santi catches me.

“I’m good, I’m good!” I shout, forcing my eyes open. His wide stature blurs into focus, and I give him a cheeky grin.

“Come sit out back with us,” Santi demands.

“Oh, everyone’s here?” I grin, barreling past him. I’m ready for a distraction. I stumble over the step down to the patio, finding six familiar faces staring at me wide-eyed as I right myself.

“What’s wrong, Zo?” Lari says, rushing out of her seat and over to me.

“Wrong? Nothing’s wrong!” But she has to steady me by the shoulders when I start swaying.

“Come sit,” she says, guiding me to the patio sofa and nudging me into the right seat before taking the left.

“He’s a little drunk, if you can’t tell,” Santi says, taking a seat next to Carter.

“Fucking hell, bro,” D says from my right.

“How are you, D?” I ask, patting him on the back with so much force, he lurches forward in his seat. He confuses me by frowning. Isn’t he happy to see me?

“I’m good, man. You good?” he asks, arching an eyebrow.

“Great! Fantastic! Never fucking better.” Maybe if I say it enough, it’ll be true.

“Christ, Mancini. Get your shit together.” I know that voice. I turn, my eyes falling on Maria. She’s looking at me with venom in her eyes, but I’m not stupid. I know she’d take my cock any day of the goddamn week if I so much as winked at her.

“Maria, baby,” I say, and I’m surprised how easily the words slip out. Butshefucking left me.She’sgone, and I’ll never see her again.

Maria rolls her eyes, but I don’t miss the tilt of her lips. I’m about to pull out my pack of smokes when Larissa speaks from my left.

“Lorenzo, can I talk to you for a moment?” Her use of my full name alerts me. I nod and follow her into the house.

As we walk away, I hear someone mumble behind me, “The fuck happened to him?”

“Mind your fucking business,” I say in unrequested response, and I hear a chuckle. I start to chuckle, myself.
