Page 30 of Dilectio

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AsEzraandIapproach the front door of his house, my heart races with a mixture of excitement and dread. The scent of saltwater and sea air clings to our clothes, a reminder of our beach trip that had been nothing short of magical. The crunch of gravel beneath our feet brings me back to reality, and the grandeur of his home looms before us, casting shadows in the soft moonlight.

Ezra catches my hand, his grip warm and comforting. "I don't want this weekend to end," he murmurs, his warm breath brushing against my cheek.

"Neither do I," I confess, unable to resist the pull of his gaze. "But we have to face reality."

The creak of the door echoes through the empty hallway as we step inside. The familiar aroma of Ezra's home envelops me—a blend of vanilla, leather, and just a hint of Paige's fruity shampoo. It's comforting, but also a stark reminder of how different our worlds are.

"I need to visit my grandma again,” I say softly, thinking of my grandmother who was in the hospital last month. I chuckle lightly, “She says that I fuss over her too much, but I love her."

Ezra nods, understanding the importance of family. "Family is the most important. You should check on her."

Before I can respond, he pulls me close, his eyes locked on mine. The intensity of his gaze sends shivers down my spine, and I lean in for a kiss. Our lips meet in a tender moment, a promise of more to come.

Suddenly, the sound of a gasp startles us apart. We turn to find Paige standing in the hallway, her wide blue eyes filled with shock and confusion. "Are you two... dating?" she stammers, her gaze darting between Ezra and me.

My chest tightens.

"Paige, sweetheart, it's... complicated," Ezra explains.

"We're keeping it a secret for now," I admit, feeling a pang of guilt for the deception. I reach out to touch her arm, hoping to convey my sincerity. "We didn't mean for you to find out like this."

Paige seems to consider our words, her expression thoughtful. "So, you're really together? Like, for real?"

Ezra nods. "Yes, we are. But we need to keep it quiet for a little while longer, okay?"

I watch as Paige bites her lip, clearly torn between excitement and concern. "I won't tell anyone," she finally agrees, her voice small but determined.

With a sigh of relief, I pull her into a hug, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you, Paige."

As we settle back into the routine of daily life, I feel the weight of our secret bearing down on me. The stolen glances and whispered conversations only serve to heighten the passion between Ezra and me, but they also underscore the precarious nature of our relationship.

My heart aches for the freedom to love without fear, and to share our happiness with the world. Yet I understand the need for secrecy, and the potential consequences of exposing our relationship too soon. I'm torn between protecting what we have and living authentically.

With each passing day, the pressure mounts. The fear of discovery threatens to consume me. And as I struggle to navigate this unfamiliar terrain, I wonder if our love will be strong enough to withstand the storm that lies ahead.

I sit on the window seat in my room, clutching a worn-out copy ofPride and Prejudice, thinking about the conversation I had with Ezra a couple of months ago. The invitation to his brother Dane's engagement party still lingers in my mind, and my heart races at the thought of attending such a grand event.

I glance up from my book, my gaze drifting towards the door as I hear footsteps approaching. A soft knock pulls me out of my thoughts, and I call out, "Come in."

The door creaks open, and Ezra enters the room, looking as handsome as ever. His muscular frame fills the doorway, and I admire the way his tailored shirt hugs his broad shoulders. He offers me a warm smile, his deep blue eyes meeting mine with an intensity that sends shivers down my spine.

"Hey, Quinn," he says, his voice deep and masculine. "I wanted to follow up on my invitation to Dane's engagement party. Have you given it any more thought?"

I close my book and set it aside, my hands suddenly clammy with nerves. "Ezra, I appreciate the invitation, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to go. I don't want to make things awkward for you and your family."

He crosses the room and sits down beside me, his warmth radiating as he leans in closer. "Quinn, I wouldn't have invited you if I didn't think you'd be welcome. My family will love you, and Dane and Katrina are really excited to meet you."

I raise an eyebrow, trying to keep my feisty attitude in check. "But they're expecting me as the nanny, right? Not as your girlfriend? We're still keeping that a secret?"

Ezra hesitates, rubbing the back of his neck as he struggles to find the right words. "Yes, for now, they'll just know you as the nanny. I want you to meet them and get to know them before we make any official announcements. I'm just... not sure when that will be."

His uncertainty sends a pang of doubt through me, but I can't deny the attraction between us or the desire to be with him. "I understand and I’m still thinking about it. It's difficult for both of us. Know that if I do go as ‘just the nanny’, I won't be playing the role of a timid little mouse."

He chuckles, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Quinn. You're strong and spirited, and I admire that about you."
