Page 31 of Dilectio

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His words stir something inside me, and I find myself leaning toward him, our faces mere inches apart. The scent of his cologne, a mix of cedar and sandalwood, fills my senses, making my head spin.

"Ezra..." I whisper, my voice barely audible as my heart hammers in my chest.

He leans in even closer, his breath warm against my cheek. "Yes?" he murmurs, his lips brushing against mine in a feather-light touch that sends heat through my core.

I close my eyes, losing myself in the sensation of his proximity, and finally give in. "All right," I breathe, my voice trembling with emotion. "I'll go with you to the engagement party."

Ezra pulls back, his eyes shining with happiness. "Thank you," he says softly, giving my hand a gentle squeeze before standing up and leaving the room.

As the door clicks shut behind him, I feel a sense of dread mingled with excitement. I'm about to enter a world completely foreign to me, and yet, with Ezra by my side, I hope that, somehow, we'll find a way to bridge the gap between our two worlds.

As we pull up to the location of Dane's engagement party, my heart races, and my palms begin to sweat. I glance at Ezra, who seems perfectly calm and collected, his eyes focused on the road ahead. Paige sits in the backseat, fidgeting with excitement as she looks out the window.

The grand estate looms before us, adorned with twinkling lights and lush greenery that covers the grounds like a fairy tale.

Ezra parks the car, and we step out into the warm evening air. My legs feel wobbly beneath me, but I straighten my spine and square my shoulders, determined not to let my insecurities get the best of me.

As we make our way inside, I feel like an outsider in this world of luxury and privilege. The guests are dressed to the nines, their laughter and conversations filling the air with an energy that both excites and intimidates me.

We approach the small group of people who seem to be the center of attention. I can feel my heart rate picking up. Ezra gives my hand a reassuring squeeze before letting it go.

"Katrina, Dane, Ivan, Cassidy," Ezra says with a warm smile, "I'd like you to meet Quinn, Paige's nanny."

I offer a polite smile and extend my hand, doing my best to appear friendly and confident. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you," I say, trying to keep my voice steady.

Katrina, the bride-to-be, shakes my hand first, her warm smile immediately putting me at ease. "It's lovely to meet you, too, Quinn. Thank you for taking care of our little Paige."

Next, I shake hands with Dane, who seems genuinely happy to have me here. "Welcome, Quinn," he says, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiles. "We appreciate you joining us on this special occasion."

Ivan, Cassidy's fiancé, greets me with a firm handshake and a friendly nod. "Nice to meet you, Quinn. We've heard good things about you from Ezra and Paige."

Lastly, I shake hands with Cassidy, who holds her baby boy protectively in one arm. She grins at me, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Hi, Quinn. It's great to finally meet you. Ezra has mentioned you quite a bit."

I can't help but blush at Cassidy's comment, hoping no one catches on to the true nature of my relationship with Ezra. "Thank you," I reply, trying to sound casual. "I'm just doing my best to take care of Paige. She's a wonderful child."

As we continue to chat, I feel more comfortable around these new acquaintances. Despite the secret I'm hiding, their genuine interest in getting to know me makes me feel welcome and valued.

The evening progresses, and I find myself enjoying the company of Katrina and Cassidy, who seem to be roughly around the same age as myself. Their presence helps to calm my nerves, and I begin to feel more at ease in this unfamiliar world.

As I watch Ezra dance with his daughter, his eyes sparkling with love and pride, I feel a small sense of belonging, a hope that maybe, just maybe, I can find a place in this world by his side. But for now, our secret must remain hidden, and I must play my role as the nanny.

Katrina, the bride-to-be, pulls me aside and shares stories of her experiences as a nurse. She confides in me about the challenges she faced coming from a middle-class background and fitting into Dane's wealthy family. Her words give me comfort, knowing that she once felt out of place in this world, too.

Cassidy, cradling her baby boy, smiles warmly at me as we chat about motherhood and the joys it brings.

I find myself growing more at ease in the company of Katrina and Cassidy. We share stories and laughter, forming a genuine connection that I hadn't anticipated. As the conversation turns to Katrina's upcoming wedding, she surprises me with an unexpected invitation.

"Quinn, I would love it if you could attend my wedding," she says, her eyes glowing with sincerity. "I feel like we've really connected tonight, and I'd be honored to have you there."

I'm touched by her invitation but also stung by the realization that Ezra hasn't mentioned anything about me attending the wedding. A small voice inside me wonders if he's ashamed of our relationship, afraid of what others might think.

Before I can dwell on that thought, the music changes, and couples begin to fill the dance floor. Ezra approaches me, his eyes alight with mischief as he extends his hand. "May I have this dance?"

I nod, letting him lead me onto the dance floor. As we sway to the sultry melody, I become acutely aware of the heat radiating from his body, the strength of his arms encircling me. Our eyes lock, and for a moment, it feels as though we're the only two people in the room.

All too soon, the song ends, and Ezra reluctantly releases me. As I catch my breath, I notice Marianne gliding towards us, her movements graceful and self-assured. She greets Ezra with a dazzling smile, completely unaware of the secret we share.

"Would you mind if I steal Ezra for a dance?" she asks, her voice melodic and poised.
