Page 9 of Dilectio

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“Quinn, I need to talk to you about yesterday.”

She gestures to the chairs on the front porch, smirking as she says, “Please, have a seat, Mr. High and Mighty.”

I raise an eyebrow but sit down, trying to play it cool. “You know, it’s not easy for someone like me to admit when I’m wrong.”

Her eyes dance with amusement. “Oh, I can tell. Swallowing your pride must be quite the task.”

I chuckle, despite myself. “You have no idea.”

She crosses her long, lean legs. “But you haven’t actually apologized.”

“I’m sorry,” I say sincerely, locking my eyes with hers. “I was wrong to judge you based on your GPA without considering your circumstances. If you’re still interested, I want to offer you the job.”

She hesitates, worry lines creasing on her forehead. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Ezra. We clearly come from different worlds.”

“But I think you’d be great for my daughter,” I insist, my heart pounding. “And maybe we can learn something from each other.”

Quinn looks at me thoughtfully. “So, you’re really offering me the job? Just like that?”

I nod, suddenly serious. “Yes, I am. I realized I was too quick to judge you, and I think you’d be perfect for the position. But only if you want it.”

She studies me for a moment, her expression unreadable. Finally, she sighs and leans back in her chair. “All right, Ezra. I’ll give it a try. But we’re going to have to work on your communication skills.”

I grin, relieved by her acceptance. “Deal.”

The door behind her opens wider, and an elderly woman appears — her grandmother, I assume. “Well, don’t just sit there, young man. Come in and have some breakfast.”

I step inside the cozy home, and Quinn leads me to the kitchen, where her grandmother is cooking breakfast. The smell of bacon and eggs fills the air, making my stomach rumble. As her grandmother serves us both generous portions, I can’t help but feel a pang of envy for Quinn’s upbringing, for the simple mornings she must spend here, eating breakfast with her grandmother and attending summer barbeques that don’t turn into business meetings.

I remind myself that everything comes at a price. Quinn and her grandmother are clearly struggling financially. The dated furniture, the worn carpet, and the old car reveal their struggle.

It’s clear that we come from different worlds, but there’s something undeniably refreshing about Quinn’s candidness and humor.

Halfway through breakfast, her grandmother leaves to have coffee with one of her friends on the front porch.

As Quinn and I converse effortlessly, I find it harder and harder to ignore my growing attraction. It’s a dangerous game, but I can’t deny that I’m drawn to this strong, beautiful, resilient woman who challenges me in ways I never expected.

I sit at my desk, staring at the computer screen in front of me. I’m trying to focus on the task at hand, a business plan for the high-security virtual reality platform that NexTech is developing for military and law enforcement training. But my thoughts keep drifting back to Quinn. She’s been working as Paige’s nanny for a few weeks now.

Every time I see her with my daughter, it’s like all the stress of work melts away. But I remind myself that Quinn is our nanny and that I need to keep professional and personal boundaries.

I sigh and turn back to the computer. I’ve got a lot of work to do if this project is going to be successful. With a deep breath, I start typing away. I’m determined to finish this business plan today — no distractions!

The hours pass quickly, and soon it’s time to check on Paige. I head to the living room to find Quinn playing with her. Quinn looks up at me with those deep blue eyes, and I feel my heart skip a beat. Her full lips are slightly curved into a smile that radiates warmth and kindness. There’s something about her that is so captivating, like an undiscovered treasure that I want to explore. I know that if I get too close, I’m in trouble.

I take a deep breath and force myself back to reality. She’s the nanny and nearly fifteen years younger than me, and I have to remember that. But as I smile back at her, I can’t help but feel something stirring inside me.

My career came first at the expense of my family and friends. My marriage ended roughly three years ago, and my ex said I was emotionally unavailable and too focused on my work. Now that it’s been a few years, I must admit she was right. She moved on to someone who could prioritize her, and I want to ensure I don’t end up in the same situation again.

Before I become too distracted with work, I thank Quinn for her hard work and head back to my office, determined to finish the business plan. After a few more hours of intense concentration, the plan is finally complete and ready to be presented to my brothers Ivan and Dane.

At first, I wasn’t going to involve my brothers, but their businesses are perfect for this idea. Ivan’s investment company can prepare and secure the funding required for the venture. Dane’s health and fitness empire will come in handy with developing the project’s physical training and conditioning aspects.

With a satisfied sigh, I lean back in my chair, feeling accomplished. I pack up my laptop and smile at the small pile of toys on the floor. Paige spent an hour in my office this morning. She is usually clingy at the beginning when there is a new nanny.

I walk into the living room, where Quinn and Paige are building a fort out of blankets.

“Quinn, I’ll be back in a few hours. I have a meeting to go to.”
