Page 23 of Albert

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I roll my eyes. “Scumbag,” I tell him for the fifth time as I hand him the key card for the room. It’s a shady hotel that’s used by prostitutes and drug dealers mainly, but it’s perfect for jobs like this. I hired the room for two days, so his body won’t be found straight away, and when I check out, it’s not a face-to-face deal. I can just leave the key card in the bin on the reception desk. “And don’t forget to cover your face as we go in. It’s the only camera in the place,” I remind him. The chances are it doesn’t work. These places tend to forget to fix cameras or the police would forever be in here taking footage to catch wanted criminals.

We head inside separately. I go for the bar, where I’ve already arranged to meet Tim Holden. He’s bigger than I imagined. The pictures I saw in his file showed him looking thinner and weaker. He’s clearly been working out since then. I sit beside him, and he side eyes me. “Katy?” he murmurs, and I nod. “You alone?”

I glance around like I’m nervous. “My friend is picking her up from nursery as we speak. She’ll meet us up there.”

“One hour, like we agreed?” he asks, and I nod. He slides an envelope towards me, and I take it, tucking it inside my jacket. “Whatever I like, right?” I nod again, sickness swirling inside my stomach. “How many times you done this?”

“What’s it matter?” I snap impatiently. “Are you a cop or something?” I stand, and he looks panic stricken.

“No, no, of course not. I just didn’t know how far I could take it is all. Like, is she experienced?”

I sit back down. “She’s four years old,” I hiss. “Just do what you gotta do.” I pretend to check my mobile then nod. “She’s almost here. We should go up to the room and wait.”

He follows me, and I make sure to hide my face as we head for the elevator. I pull out the spare key card and head to the room, stepping inside. “How many times have you done this?” I ask, clicking the lock on the door.

He takes a seat on the bed, shrugging from his jacket. “It’s surprising how many so-called mothers will sell their daughters for money,” he mutters.

“That would surprise me,” I reply, and he catches my eye, sensing the change. “You ever do it without the mother’s knowledge?”

He frowns. “What do you mean?”

“Yah know, girlfriend’s kids.” I shrug. “That must be easier than paying?”

“A few times,” he admits, “but I get bored easily. Eventually, they stop fighting me and it loses the thrill.”

I turn my back to him, wincing at his words.Piece of shit. “Do you ever think it’s wrong?” I ask, turning back to face him.

He shrugs. “No. Love comes in all kinds of forms.”

I arch a brow. “You think it’s love?”

“Don’t judge me,” he snaps. “You’re the one here selling your kid.”

“Oh, about that,” I begin. “I don’t have a daughter.”


“I don’t have a daughter. I lied.”

He rises to his feet, and I’m again aware of his size. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

“I have a son. He’s out of your age range, although I know you’re not fussy on the sex. But trust me when I say, you wouldn’t want my kid, he’s a prick at the minute. I guess teenagers are, though, right?”

“What the hell is going on?”

“He’s going off the rails, and I have no idea how to stop him. Is that what happened to you?” I ask, tipping my head to the side. “Did you go off the rails and stick your dick in a child?”

“Bitch, you’ve made a mistake,” he murmurs.

“I don’t think so. You’re a scumbag, I’m a killer—we’re the perfect pair.” I wait for Archer to appear at my use of the code word, but he doesn’t. I glance at the bathroom door. “I said, scumbag,” I repeat. He still doesn’t appear, and I turn back to Tim and eye up his size again. “Fuck,” I mutter.

“What’s your plan?” he asks, grinning.

“I was hoping I could sit back and watch your demise, but it seems my partner in crime is MIA.” I sigh heavily. “And I’ll be honest, Tim, I wasn’t planning on getting dirty today. I’m wearing white,” I point out, glancing at my shirt. “Blood is the worst kind of stain to get out of whites.” I shrug. “This is why I like to work alone. You can never rely on anyone.”

“You think you can take me down?” he asks, smirking. “Come on then, little lady, take your shot. I’ll give you a free one.” He holds his hands out. I know to take this guy out, I need to be closer, but the second I move to him, he’s going to punch me. And with a guy of his size, he’ll likely knock me out.

“Maybe I got this wrong,” I begin, backing to the door. “Maybe we should forget this.” I turn my back to him and fiddle with the lock. It works and he comes at me, pressing me against the door.
