Page 27 of Albert

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“Come on, please. I can get you on the list if I call Arthur’s P.A.”

“No. Arthur complains when I come here to see you, if I crash your night, he’ll be raging.”

She grabs my arm. “Please, Rosey. For me. I’ll feel less out of place with you there.”

“Great, thanks, because I’m a loser too?”

She laughs. “We’re losers together. Broken losers.”

My heart aches. She’s right. We’re both broken because of decisions Eagle made. “I don’t have anything to wear or a plus one.”

“I have something for you to wear, and bring Archer.”

I shake my head. “He’s probably busy with work.”

“I’ll text and ask,” she says, grabbing her phone and tapping away.

“I’d feel out of place. Who’s Albert taking? Do we know her?” I ask casually.

“Not sure, probably a random hook-up like usual.” She smiles at her phone. “He’s free. I’ll get tickets sorted.”


I push my way through the guests until I spot my brothers by the bar. Charlie shakes my hand, and Tommy hands me a drink. “Where’s Art?” I ask, glancing around the room. My eyes freeze on Rosey. “What’s she doing here?”

“Arthur is showing the plans to Mr. Davies. Who’s the ‘she’ you’re referring to?” asks Charlie, looking over the crowd.


“Don’t you start. We had Arthur bending our ear about it just a second ago. Meli arranged it.”

I didn’t invite Rosey because I know she hates this sort of thing, but seeing her now, in a long, red dinner dress with a slit up one side to show flashes of her tanned leg and her hair curled and draped over one shoulder, I regret my decision. I head over to her, and when she spots me, she looks annoyed. “Albert.”

“Surely, you knew I’d be here, Red, It’s my event.”

“Meli forced me to come,” she mutters.

“I would have invited you if I’d thought you’d say yes.”

“Since when has me agreeing or not ever stopped you?”

I grin. “True. I guess I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”

She glances around. “Who did you bring? Is she more socially acceptable?”

I frown. “I didn’t bring anyone, Red. Why would I when I’m with you?”

She takes a gulp of her drink. “You’re free and single, you can bring anyone you want. I don’t care.”

I let her words sink in. “Hold on, did you bring someone?” Her mouth opens and then closes as Archer joins us, handing Rosey another drink.

“Boss.” He nods in greeting.

“Un-fucking-believable,” I mutter, walking away.


“What is his problem?” snaps Archer.
