Page 75 of Albert

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I grin. “It’s my wedding day, give me some power.”

Ollie is in the kitchen eating breakfast. “Meli is seriously moody today,” he complains. “She practically screamed the house down for Mum a second ago. She woke me up.”

I sit down. “Yeah, she’s on one.” I take a deep breath. “I need to ask you something.”

“Again? You’re always asking me stuff.”

“This is huge . . . bigger than the house thing.”

“Jesus, tell me she ain’t pregnant. Would I have to share my room?”

I smirk. “No, she’s not pregnant . . . yet. And no, there’re other bedrooms. Your mum asked me something last night, and you know how she gets when she’s got an idea.” He eyes me suspiciously. “But her asking me isn’t very traditional, so I wanted to do things properly, even though we’re short on time. And she doesn’t have a dad, so you’re the man in her life—”

“Spit it out,” he cuts in.

I laugh nervously. “I want to marry your mum. So, I’m asking you first.”

He thinks for a few minutes. “And she’s asked you already?” I nod. “Do you want to marry her? Would you still be asking if she hadn’t asked first?”

“Ollie, I’ve wanted to ask her for months, but I thought she’d run a mile. I love her more than anything, and I promise I’ll take care of her . . . of you both.”

Ollie smiles. “I think I just threw up in my mouth,” he jokes, and I playfully tap his head. “I told you, if she’s happy, I’m happy. And I think it might be cool to have a dad.” My heart swells, and we stare at each other. “Don’t make it weird,” he adds as a threat, and we both laugh. “And if you’re gonna be my dad, you have to do things right, like take me to football matches,” he continues, “and give me an allowance.”

I scoff. “For chores. Nothing’s for free, kid.”

He grins. “I’ll do chores. Except babysitting. You two have more kids, you gotta look after them.”

I nod, still smiling. “Deal. Now, let’s go find you a suit.”


I pace the room, occasionally catching a glimpse of the ivory material. I stop in front of the mirror again. The dress that Mama B presented me with just an hour ago made my heart stop. It’s lace and fitted, with a beautiful long trail. Apparently, she’d made it herself years ago and stashed it away in her wardrobe, forgetting all about it. She said it was perfect for a last-minute wedding. “Don’t you dare cry. I’m not redoing your eye makeup,” warns Meli.

“It’s just so beautiful. Why would she give it to me?”

“Look, I know you think the world hates you, but Mum loves you and Ollie. She feels guilt, massive amounts, for what Dad put you through, but don’t mistake that for her not liking you because she does, a lot.”

She sprays my hair one final time and turns me to face her. “For a last-minute wedding, I’ve done you proud.”

I laugh at her self-praise. “Thank you, Meli. I love you.”

Downstairs, Ollie is waiting in a blue suit. He looks handsome and it takes me a lot to hold back happy tears. “Well, don’t you look amazing,” I say.

“You don’t look too bad yourself.” He takes my hand and kisses me on the cheek. “Would you mind if I walked you down the aisle?”

“I’d love that, Ollie. I didn’t think you’d want to.”

“A chance to hand you over to someone else? Of course, I want to. It means he has to deal with you from now on.”

I laugh, releasing his hand and hooking mine through his arm. “You better get me out there then.”

The guys have done a wonderful job of setting out chairs. Flower petals have been sprinkled down the makeshift aisle and the seats are full of MC members and Taylors, all the people who matter to me the most. And at the front is Albert. He turns to face me as Meli presses play on her phone and Matt Johnson’s “Feels Like Home” plays from the speakers. She’d insisted I pick a song to walk to and this was perfect.

As I get to the front, the song fades out and I give Ollie a kiss on the cheek. He steps away, and I turn to Albert. “Best-looking bride ever,” he whispers.

Michael does his thing, and when it comes to exchanging vows, I stop him. “I’m not really for all that love, honour, and obey crap,” I say. “Can we make up our own?”

“Go ahead,” says Michael, looking exasperated. “Nothing else has been traditional.”

Albert turns to Ollie, who hands him two wedding bands. I frown in confusion. “You won’t believe the lengths we went to get these,” Ollie tells me.

I turn back to Albert. “That’s what I love the most,” he says, taking my hands in his. “The fact you screw all the rules and do things your way. I never know what to expect, but you keep me on my toes. I promise to do all the stuff I’m supposed to, like take care of you, love you, cherish you, but I also promise to respect you, encourage you, and allow you to grow as that independent female you’ve always been. And on the days where you don’t feel so independent, on the days you just need to lean on me, I’ll be waiting. Because I love you, Rosey Taylor, with every beat of my heart.” I hear some of the women making ‘aww’ noises as he pushes the gold band onto my finger, then they clap.

I blow out a breath, not sure I have the right words, but his encouraging smile relaxes me. It’s time to be real, to show everyone the real me. “Thank you,” I say, staring into his eyes, “for being patient when you wanted to scream at me to listen. For loving me even when I wasn’t very lovable. For caring when I needed it the most. I promise not to run anymore, not to push you away when deep down I just want to hold you close. I’ll respect your role as my husband, even when I don’t agree with what you’re saying, and I’ll try to listen more.” He laughs at that one. “Because I love you, Albert Taylor, with every beat of my heart.” I secure the ring onto his finger and smile.

Michael clears his throat. “All there is left to do is for you to kiss the bride.” Cheers erupt as Albert takes me in his arms and kisses me until my toes curl. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.”

I turn towards everyone, and Albert holds our joined hands in the air. Everyone is smiling, including Ollie. And it suddenly hits me . . . I’m happy. This is what I was looking for all along and I didn’t even know it. I finally have a family, something I’ve never really had. My life’s about to change for the better, and I can’t wait. I’ve found my happy ever after.

