Page 32 of Mafie Kings

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And Evie is anything but respectful to our positions. I look at her eyes as she stares down at the girl. Evie’s fists are clenched so tight her knuckles are turning white. I can see the muscles strain in her neck, her will to fight back burning brighter than ever.

“Tell him,” Evie says between clenched teeth.

“She… she said you may be a king, but you can’t put a crown on trash and expect people to bow,” the girl says, her eyes never leaving the floor.

My anger rises, and I snuff it down with every ounce of self control I have left. We need to get some things straight here.

“Let’s go, NOW!” I grab Evie by the arm and look back to make sure Lev and Damien are following. I drag her outside and around the building before yanking her body close to mine.

“You don’t seem to get it,” I growl in her ear, “you are ours because youfailed. The whole point of your role is to make you understand that in our world, failure comes with life-altering consequences. Now grow the fuck up and learn your place, before we’re forced to kick you out.”

Real fear shines in her eyes for just a second, then it’s gone again. Before I can react, she pulls out a blade and holds it to my neck. My nails dig into the skin of her arms as I push them down, pulling the blade away from my neck.

“Let. Go. Of. Me,” she says, her body vibrating with anger.

I stand there, holding her tightly. She will not give me orders. I don’t care that she just had a blade to my neck. She spins in my hold and pushes back, my hand lets her go just as sharp steel slices down the inside of it. I jerk my hand back and look down at the blood pooling there. It’s not a deep cut, but it still hurts like a bitch.

“What the actual fuck?” I yell.

She still has her blade pointed at me. Lev and Damien just stand there in disbelief. She slowly wipes the blood off on her pants and seeing her marked by my blood does something to me. Before any of us can say a word, she clears her throat.

“I understand my role, and I will work on accepting your orders,” she says scanning me again before resheathing what seems to be her weapon of choice. “However, I want to get one thing straight before we move on. You willnottouch me unless I give you express permission first. If you can do that, then I will work on listening. Does that sound fair? Or do you need a matching wound on your other hand for me to drive the point home?”


Complete fucking silence.

I’m standing here, dumbstruck that she cut me, as her words finally begin to get through to me. I had no idea that touching her would have set her off like this. However, after how crazy she’s made me over the past twenty-four hours, she deserves it.

I remove my shirt and rip off a piece from the bottom half before wrapping it around the wound on my hand to stop the bleeding.

When I look back, Evie’s eyes are scanning my muscular frame. I don’t like to brag, but I own a mirror and work hard to make sure that even without a shirt, I hold the power in the room. Damien is built, but my diet makes sure you can see every inch of sculpted muscle. I have minimal tattoos compared to my brothers, but even those are strategically placed. I half smile at her as I reply.

“I won’t touch you without your permission again. However, there will be a punishment for lying to me.” I turn back to look at Lev and his face falls. He needs to learn that Evie isn’t here for us to comfort. And he clearly needs to learn that I call the fucking shots.

“Since you so graciously helped her out of her punishment yesterday, you can choose what her consequences are today,” I tell him. He locks his jaw, but he nods. I can already see him disassociating from us. It’s what he does when he has to do something he isn’t a fan of, which only solidifies that he needs to be the one to do this. I don’t need him getting close to her.

“I think somebody needs a time out,” Lev says as he starts to walk towards the gym. His voice is distant and uncaring. It surprises me how he can switch his whole personality off in order to complete a task.

We enter the gym, and he directs us to the shower rooms as he heads to the back closet to open it. It’s so small it doesn’t even have its own light. Lev pulls out some of the cleaning supplies before gesturing for Evie to get in. She tenses before looking at Lev, but he refuses to meet her eyes. She turns to Damien and his brows pinch, but he says nothing.

“No one is going to save you this time, Princess. It’s time to start accepting the consequences of your actions.”

She reluctantly walks into the closet and tucks herself under the bottom shelf on the floor.

Before Lev closes the door, the look of fear slips back across her face and I can finally breathe. Maybe now she’ll learn her lesson.

“We’ll be back at lunch,” Lev says, then he shuts the door and locks it.

“Take this time to consider the repercussions of biting off more than you can chew,” I tell her. A loud bang follows as she kicks the door so hard the hinges rattle, proving to me further that she deserves this punishment.

As we leave, I shut off the lights, sealing her fate.

Chapter 17

Small spaces are my worst fucking nightmare next to being touched without my consent. The closet is so small my knees are to my chin. The pressure from being scrunched up makes me feel like I can’t breathe.

Deep breath in, slow breath out.
