Page 54 of Hawk

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“What time?” Crow asked, joining us.

“Five p.m.”

Crow nodded, ticking his head at Raven. The VP followed him out of the bar and down the hall to Crow’s office.

“You won’t be going,” I snapped, struggling to remain calm. If I got too agitated, the crow would take over. Nobody wanted me to unleash him until it was time.

“Hawk,” Callie whispered, brushing her fingers along my jaw. “I love that you’re my dark champion and protector, but you need to chill.”

Several of my brothers laughed. Fuckers.

“I’m terrified of what this conversation meant for Sadie. If I don’t show up to that meeting, she could die. It’s not an option.

My entire body stiffened. “No fucking way.”

“You don’t get to make that decision. Not alone. This is my life. My choice. My fucking sister.”

She blinked as my hands wrapped around her body, and I buried my face in her neck. “I can’t lose you when I just found you.”

“That’s why I won’t be showing up alone.”

Fuck. “Damn straight. I’m standing right by your side. Try to get rid of me. Not gonna happen.”

“I was hoping you would say that because I’m going to ask you to let me arrive alone. There’s no way Elliot will meet with me if you’re growling like a bear and ready to rip him apart.”

“She knows you too well already,” Cuckoo joked.

I flipped him off, dismissing him as I caught the werewolf mask he wore, the mouth cut open wider as he chewed on a string of red licorice. “Why the fuck are you wearing that?”

“I appreciate the irony.”

“You’re fucking nuts.”

“Everyone keeps sayin’ that, but I don’t see the problem.” Cuckoo shrugged. “I’m gonna make some popcorn for the shit show about to go down. Anyone want some?”

He was referring to me and the fucking tantrum I was about to throw because Callie wanted to meet the mayor without me.

My brothers opened their wallets, slapping down twenties on the pool table. I knew what the assholes were doing, taking bets on my failure. They didn’t doubt that Callie would get her way.

“Fuck all of you,” I grumbled, but I didn’t mean it.

“Don’t be so sensitive, Hawk.”

Claw could kiss my ass, and I told him that.

His chuckle irritated me. Wait until he found his mate. He would be the biggest asshole around.

Carrion pushed off the wall across from us, leaving the shadows where he liked to observe everything. “Check your phone, Callie.”

“Why?” she asked, picking it up only to jolt when it vibrated with an incoming text.

“Tell him yes,” Carrion added.

She stared at the screen, swiping across to read the message. “Okay.” I saw her type a response, concerned when she bit her lip. “You sure that was the right thing to do?”

Carrion’s eyes fluttered, rolling white a few seconds before he blinked. His vision returned to normal. “Yes.” He turned to me. “Accept it, or you place her in irreversible danger.”

My stomach churned. A headache formed behind my eyes as I imagined all the different ways this shit could go wrong.

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