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“It’s an area where people with money…a lot of it, live.”

Damn, why the hell had I mentioned the real suburb where I lived? Usually, I said Newtown or Balmain, somewhere not quite as exclusive.

When I glanced towards Owen, his eyebrows were also raised and taking a page from Allison’s book, I shrugged.

“Where do you work, Owen?” Linda asked, with interest in her voice.

“At the same company as Jason and I live in Balmain,” Owen smirked at me as he spoke.

Way to make a point, arsehole.

“Have you known each other for long?” Allison asked curiously.

“We joined the company at the same time, fourteen years ago now,” I answered.

We spent the rest of the evening learning next to nothing about each other because I strongly suspected we were all dancing around the truth. I could pick a lie miles away, had to with being in the position I was in, and what the girls had told us tonight could be taken with a grain of salt. I couldn’t complain since Owen, and I hadn’t been telling the truth either.

It was after midnight when Owen and Linda made their excuses to leave and made no secret of the fact they were headed for a hotel.

I fixed my gaze on Allison after they left. “Jason, I’ll be honest, I’m not going anywhere with you tonight, but I would love to meet up with you again.”

Damn. I’d managed to find someone immune to my charms. Maybe better luck next time. I found the thought of seeing her again appealing and we exchanged phone numbers before standing.

“Can I get you a cab?”

“There’s a stand across the road, but I would appreciate you walking out with me if you don’t mind.”

“Of course, I don’t mind.”

Taking Allison’s hand, I walked her to the taxi rank across the road from the lounge club and we waited in line until one became free. After helping her inside, I closed the door, not hearing her tell the cabbie her address, and waved as the cab pulled away.


Monday morning.

I was seated at my desk going over division reports, half-heartedly concentrating as I hadn’t been able to get Allison out of my head since Friday night. It appeared she had taken up residence there. It was damn frustrating. I’d never wanted to see a woman more than once in the past. I was a confirmed one and done man. So, what the hell was it about her that had me tied up in knots?

Maybe it was the challenge of being with a woman who didn’t fall at my feet and who was completely unaffected by my charms. Maybe once I got her into bed, and I would get her into bed in the very near future, my curiosity would be satisfied. This…could only be described as an obsession with her, which I could then set aside. Somehow, I suspected I was kidding myself, and once with her would never be enough.

I read over the report three times, and when I still didn’t have a clue what was written, I gave up, stood, and crossed to the coffee station set up on a cabinet along one wall. After pouring a coffee, I returned to sit at the desk.

I was in the process of pulling up another report when Owen rushed into my office looking like every drop of blood had drained from his face.

“Owen, what’s wrong? The look on his face had me feeling a little panicked.

He pointed at the floor by his feet. “Down there. Elizabeth. New. Met.” Owen dropped into the chair opposite.

“Breathe, you’re not making any sense.”

Owen sucked in a deep breath and with his hands white knuckling on the arms of the chair, he explained, “The brunette from Friday night.”

My heart skipped a beat. What had happened, and how had Owen found out about it at nine in the morning? “Yes?”

“Her name is Elizabeth and she’s one of the new data entry employees. You haven’t set up another date, have you?”


“Elizabeth Flynn, the girl I told you about from the station in the middle of nowhere up north. I didn’t recognise her because of our poor connection.”
