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Now, I understood the glance between the girls when I mentioned Elizabeth Bay. “You hadn’t mentioned her name.”

“Well, you know it now. You should have seen the look on her face when Raya introduced me to her ten minutes ago. Raya has taken her to HR before she could run for the hills. I assured her everything was okay. I don’t think she realises who you are yet, even though we mentioned working together.”

I pushed onto my feet. “How about we go and enlighten Ms Flynn about who will be paying her salary?”

Owen stood. “Be gentle with her; she’s pretty innocent if Linda, or whatever her name is, is to be believed. On the other hand, I’m not sure seeing her again is a good idea.”

I buttoned my jacket and joined Owen near the door. “I’m always gentle, and Owen…”


“I’m the boss and if I decide to date her, I will. I don’t dictate to any of my employees who they can or can’t be involved with and I won’t have it done to me when it doesn’t concern them.”


“Date. I think Linda is right, and Elizabeth is innocent to the ways of the city, but she’s no fool. She won’t put out for a one-night stand and there’s something about her that draws me like a moth to a flame. I don’t know why I feel desperate to see her again.”

“Well, well. The mighty may have fallen.”

“I’m not sure I’d go that far, but I think this girl is going to figure strongly in my future if I have any say in the matter.”

“For Elizabeth’s sake, keep in mind she has been living a closeted life on a remote station and be discreet. You don’t want her colleagues finding out and causing hell.”

“I’ll ensure we’re discreet no matter what happens.”

Chapter Five


St James railway station was a short walk from my new home, but it felt like hours away in heels. The dress I was wearing was turning out to be a slippery sucker and I smoothed it back down over my butt for about the fiftieth time. I made a mental note to dump it in the rubbish when I got home. It was a shame because I quite liked how it looked.

Glancing at the watch on my wrist, I saw there were six minutes before the train left the platform if it was on time. Bending over, I kicked off the heels, snatched them up in one hand, and sprinted the rest of the way—how very unladylike. I got more than a few curious glances, but I was too busy running to care.

The train doors slid closed seconds after I long-jumped on board—out of breath and feeling like I’d run a marathon in the steamy heat. My priority as the train pulled away from the station was finding a seat, so I could re-introduce the shoes to my feet. Moving deeper into the carriage, I found it was standing room only, so I returned to where I’d jumped aboard. I held onto a pole, hoping not to give other passengers a view of my breakfast, and managed to slide back into my heels. Not wearing them again on a workday was added to my rapidly growing mental list of reminders.

The train drew to a stop at Town Hall station, the doors slid open, and people began flooding in with no regard for those of us wanting to get off. I felt no guilt at elbowing more than a few in order to force my way onto the platform before the damn thing started moving again.

Once on the platform, I was carried within a sea of bodies towards a steep set of steps and propelled upwards much faster than I would have chosen. By the time I reached the top and was spat out onto George Street near the Town Hall, it felt like I’d mastered Mt. Everest. I was panting like an old Puffing Billy, and I considered myself fit! There would be no need for a gym every day. I took a moment to breathe in the smoggy air and get my bearings.

Turning to my left, I started the one hundred metres along George Street towards Wynyard that I needed to cover to find Jackson Enterprises. Fortunately, Ellie had known the exact location and was able to give me directions. I ducked and weaved around other commuters, determined not to be late until I reached my new place of employment. It was a building of glass and steel that shimmered in the early morning sunshine. The name of the company was emblazoned across the front above the glass entry doors. Four wide steps led up to those doors and people rushed past where I stood before disappearing through the doors. I’d meant to research the company and owners but had been busy meeting new people and being shown around Paddington by Ellie and Harper that I hadn’t found the time.

Taking a deep breath because I felt somewhat nervous, I started up the steps. The first two were no problem, but everything changed when I hit the third—so close. My left ankle buckled, the heel parted ways with the rest of the shoe, my handbag went in one direction, and I was thrown in the other. Both knees hit the step and I felt the skin rip before pain shot up both legs. Throwing out both hands turned out to be a mistake when the skin on my palms shredded and the pain in both arms joined the party my legs were throwing. Tears welled in my eyes, and I stayed frozen in place for a moment, while I pulled myself together.

Pushing up, I turned around and sat on the step to assess the damage. A young woman with golden skin, hair pulled up in a ponytail, and kind brown eyes crouched by my side with the handbag in her hands. She brushed stray hairs from my face and thumbed away the tears.

“Are you okay?”

“I think so, more embarrassed than hurt.” Looking at my knees, I watched as blood trickled down the fronts of both legs, and when I turned my hands over, I groaned at the torn and bloody skin. “What a mess. I’m starting a new job today.”

“Here at Jackson?”

I nodded. “In the data entry division.”

“I’m Raya; that’s my division. You must be Elizabeth. We were told to expect you and a guy named Murphy. Come on, and I’ll help get you cleaned up and feeling better.”

“Thank you. Yes, I am Elizabeth, but friends call me Liz. Taking off my right shoe, I snapped off the heel and tucked it into my bag before sliding the shoe back onto my foot. Raya helped me to my feet and yanked the dress down until it sat just above my knees.

When we entered the building, a young girl gave me a quick once-over before stepping from behind the inquiry counter where she’d been standing.
