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A knock sounded at the door, and I lifted my head in time to watch Baby sashay into the office, kicking the door closed behind her. I stood, rounded the desk, and she walked into my outstretched arms for a hug before stepping back.

As usual, she was immaculately dressed in pale blue pants, a matching jacket, and a white shirt that was unbuttoned to reveal a little more cleavage than was decent. Long fair hair hung over her shoulders and fell in waves to her waist. She was traffic-stopping beauty and when we’d been out, I’d seen many a head turn her way.

“Security brought you up?” I peered over her shoulder.

“They were busy, so they gave a young man named, Colin, a card and he escorted me up here.”

Alarm bells were ringing in my head, but I had no idea why the mention of Colin doing a good deed should set them to blaring so I shoved them aside and changed the subject.

“Baby, as much as I love to see you, I have a previous engagement. To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence?”

We both remained standing. Me, because I was anxious to get the meeting over with so I could spend the night with Elizabeth. Baby? I had no idea why she hadn’t collapsed with dramatic flair into a chair like she usually did.

“I need your help.”

“How much?” Call me a sceptic, but the only time she came to the office was when she needed money. It wouldn’t have done for her to be overheard asking in a restaurant or somewhere equally public.

“Hudson, Darling.” She ran a perfectly manicured fingernail down my chest. “It’s not always about money. I love you and like to visit.”

I decided to humour her. “Then you don’t need anything?”

She sighed heavily. “I received a notice that my house is going to be repossessed if I don’t pay the money that’s owed.”

Say what? I’d given her the money to pay for her home in full. I narrowed my eyes. Before I could open my mouth and demand to know what she was talking about, she held up one hand.

“I sold that house and bought a new one close to Point Piper where my friends live. I thought I’d be able to manage the mortgage, but things came up, and before I knew it, I’d missed one, two, three payments.”

“How much do you need to pay out the mortgage?”

“Two million?”

I sighed. “I’ll transfer five and for fuck’s sake, don’t waste it buying things you don’t need.”

“Thanks, Darling. You’re always here for me, I love you.”

She pushed herself into my arms, and I kissed the top of her head when she lowered it to my chest.

“Baby, you know I love you. There is no need to worry about anything.”

When I heard the door to my office swing open, I looked up, and my eyes locked with Elizabeth’s. Shock showed on her face, her eyes widened, she spun around and took off running.

By the time I disengaged myself from Baby, and barked at Colin, to take her downstairs, Elizabeth was gone. I knew the arsehole had something to do with Elizabeth coming to my office, but I would deal with him later.

I sprinted to the lift, but it was already descending and if I took the stairs, I’d still have no hope of catching Elizabeth. I consoled myself by thinking I knew where she lived and worked. Eventually I would find her and explain about what she thought she’d seen.

Baby and Colin came up behind me while I was repeatedly pushing the button for the lift, even knowing it would not return.

I turned to Colin and the smirk on his face had my anger spiking to nuclear levels. It took everything in me not to deck the bastard but the last thing I needed was an assault charge.

I jabbed my finger towards him in the air. “Monday morning, my office, and the explanation for why you brought Elizabeth to this floor, and why you didn’t hand the pass back after you brought Kathy up, had better be a fucking good one.”

Colin glanced between me and Baby. “Liz had a right to know what was going on behind her back before she had her heart broken.”

“You have no fucking idea who Kathy is and why I was meeting with her.” I dragged all ten fingers through my hair. “I’ve changed my mind. Monday morning, clean out your desk and fuck off. I will make sure all your passes are cancelled before then so see security when you arrive. They will escort you to your desk and off the premises.”

Colin actually looked shocked. Did he really believe I would keep the vindictive arsehole on staff? Raya had expressed concern to Owen, who had relayed her messages to me, on a few occasions, so we knew he was a problem. But until now, we hadn’t had grounds for dismissal.

“You can’t sack me for no reason.”
