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“Trespassing on the executive floor with a stolen pass would have my lawyers proving otherwise.”

The lift finally returned, we all piled in, and I punched the button for the ground floor. Once there, I escorted Baby, who’d been very quiet, into the lobby. Colin stormed off, muttering over his shoulder, “I wouldn’t want to stay working for an arsehole like you anyway.”

One of the security guards raised an eyebrow when he saw Colin storming towards the doors, but when I nodded, he unlocked the front door and my former employee disappeared into the night. My gut insisted I’d seen the last of him and he wouldn’t be back.

Baby stepped close, set a hand on my arm, and our eyes met. “I’m sorry, Darling. I’m guessing that was the girl you told me about?

I gathered her in my arms and hugged her close. “Yes, and none of this is your fault.”

Keeping one arm around her, I walked her across the lobby. Heath, a security guard who had been with the corporation for many years, smiled brightly, told Baby she looked beautiful, and wished her goodnight. I turned in time to see Baby blush a deep shade of red before saying goodnight to Heath. Interesting.

I walked Baby outside, and once she was in a cab headed home, I shoved both hands in my pockets and looked around. I didn’t know why; Elizabeth would be long gone.

A message pinged on my phone and when I pulled it from my pocket, I was surprised to see Raya’s name and number lighting up the screen. I swiped the screen to open the message.

Raya: What the fuck happened? What did you do to Liz?

Me: Long story. How did you know something was wrong?

Raya: She texted me to say she’s quitting!!

Me: She what?!

Fuck, I knew Elizabeth and I had a connection, and were getting on well, but she felt so strongly that seeing me with another woman was enough to make her quit? No. No. No. This couldn’t be happening.

Raya forwarded the message from Elizabeth and after reading it three times, not believing she’d quit, anger swelled. I wanted to tear Colin a new one for the hurt he’d caused Elizabeth.

Me: Leave it with me, I’ll fix things.

Raya: You had better because she is a natural at her job.

Me: Trust me, I’ll fix things. I’ve sacked Colin—I’ll explain when I see you. Contact HR and work with them to hire a replacement.

Raya: Okay. Go and get Liz back, she loves you.

Loves me? Not possible. We’d only known each other for a little over a month, she couldn’t possibly be in love with me—could she? Was what I felt for her, love? Was it possible? I couldn’t deny I cared about Elizabeth and willed time to pass so we could be together. I hated when it came time for her to go home. Snuggling on the couch watching a movie, or in bed, was how I wanted to spend every night. London, Paris, Rome, and weeks spent walking Hawaii’s beaches and watching sunsets over the ocean, was how I saw spending time with the lady.

Fuck! Somehow. In some way. Elizabeth had crawled in and snatched a piece of my heart.

Raya: ??

Me: I’ll be in touch when I can.

Raya: Okay.

I flicked off a message to Devon asking him to pick me up in front of the building. I paced back and forth on the footpath while waiting. It seemed to take hours instead of minutes for him to pull up to the kerb. He left the engine running while I climbed into the back seat, clipped on the seatbelt, and barked out, “take me to Elizabeth’s place.”

Devon glanced in the rear vision mirror and raised an eyebrow before easing into the traffic and hitting the indicator to turn into King William Street to head towards Paddington.

“Problem?” Devon asked as he drove.

“Major, but hopefully after I speak with Elizabeth everything will be okay.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

Even though Devon and I hadn’t spent much time together over the past few months, we were good friends and cared about each other.

“Not yet, just get me to Elizabeth’s, please.”
