Page 50 of Die For You

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“You ready?” he asked casually as he dried off his hair, his heavy cock swinging between his legs, crowned by a dark bush.

I was instantly hard. If we weren’t already running fifteen minutes late, I would have dropped to my knees and sucked the water droplets right off his thick cock.

Instead, I exhibited some self-control and went to brush my teeth instead. “Ready when you are,” I said, watching Gabe’s bare ass jiggle its way out of the bathroom. He came back dressed in khaki shorts and a black V-neck T-shirt. I glanced down, smiled.

“Are you not wearing any underwear?” I asked, noticing the bulge.

“Is it that obvious?”

“A little bit,” I said. I reached out and grabbed a handful, kissing him with my minty breath. “Stay like that. It’ll make things easier for when we get back home.”

He chuckled and wiggled his crotch in my grip as he kissed me back.

We somehow managed to finish getting ready without getting dickstracted. Five minutes later and we were in the car, heading toward Jake and Noah’s new house. Now that the two were finding a groove together, they’d decided to pull another big trigger and get a mortgage together.

Their new house was in Decatur, a tree-covered neighborhood with a mix of modest homes that were very obviously flipped to large mansions with huge front yards and expensive cars lining the cobblestone driveways.

Jake and Noah lived in neither, having bought a recently renovated home from the 1950s, complete with oddly angled windows and a stretched-out garage that looked ready to dock a spaceship. The exterior sported a fresh coat of paint, black with slate-gray trim, a bright blue door drawing the eye. We walked past a row of lavender bushes and stepped onto the porch. The sounds of our friends already inside drifted through the open windows. I could hear Jess’s high-pitched laugh and Eric’s gravelly voice.

I rang the doorbell and was soon greeted by a smiling Noah, looking good in a pair of black pants and a bright blue shirt, a small pink whale winking at me from the chest pocket.

“Noah, are you kidding me right now? This place is beautiful, man.” I gave him a tight hug and stepped inside, smelling a mix of cleaning products and fresh roses, likely coming from the big red candles flickering above the fireplace.

“You haven’t even gotten the full tour yet. Come,” Noah said, waving us in as he walked us through the house. We greeted the gang, who were gathered in the sunken living room, sitting around a buffet of snacks: cheeses and olives and almonds, surrounding a bucket of icy-cold champagne, wine, and beer. Noah then took us through all the rooms, showing us the one he was most proud of: the library. It doubled as Noah’s office, now that he worked from home half of the week. It was a cozy space, the walls covered in beautiful rich green wallpaper. There were four connected bookcases, all of them looking like they were pulled right out of a time machine, with clawed legs and ancient-looking wood, the trim intricately detailed with swoops and curves as if it were made of clay. Each shelf was packed to the brim with books, spines facing outward in a colorful display of stories.

Noah led us back to the living room, where Colton had center stage, telling the group about a harrowing incident he had at the grocery store today.

“And then the cart just rolls downhill, straight toward the back of a Bentley. Do I look like I have Bentley money?”

Eric laughed and rubbed Colton’s leg. “Yes. Yes, you do.”

The rest of the group broke out into laughter as Colton blushed. We took our seats, Gabe grabbing a beer and handing me one. I glanced at him as he sat cross-legged next to Noah. He was about twice Noah’s size, like a gorilla sitting next to a chimp. And still, he looked like he fit in perfectly. He wasn’t just my bodyguard or private detective anymore; Gabe had become part of the group, as easily as if he’d been with us from the start.

And it wasn’t just Gabe, either. Our group had started off with just Noah, Eric, and me, figuring things out as we went. Now our family had grown exponentially, all of us gathered together so we could talk books, get drunk, and have a good time.

Well, almost all of us. “Where’s Evan?” I asked Yvette.

She took a big sip out of her wineglass and said, “He’s gone.”

“Where’d he go?” Tia asked, leaning forward so she was perched on the edge of the couch. Yvette sat next to her on a leather love seat.

“I don’t know,” Yvette said with a shrug. “We broke up.”

Jess made a soap-opera-like gasp. “Seriously?”


Steven, who sat next to me on the couch, leaned forward to grab a bottle of wine, holding my knee for stability. “He gave me weird vibes anyway,” he said as he poured himself another glass.

“Same, if I’m being honest,” Noah said. “You can do so much better, girl.”

“I have to agree with him,” Jake said. I doubted it was on purpose, but he and Noah were matching in dark green shirts and khaki shorts.

“Did you do it?” Tia asked.

Yvette gave a nod. “Honestly, he was starting to say some off-color things. I think he got caught up in one of those online 4chan groups. I wanted to cut things off before we got any more serious.”

“Good call,” Eric said, Colton nodding his head in agreement.
