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She flopped down onto the chair, stretching her legs out by the side of the table. He sat down across from her, resting his hands easily on the table. Grace tucked her hands into her lap, resisting the impulse to place her hands on the table. Within touching distance of his outstretched fingers.

For a few moments, she didn't know where to look. She peered studiously out in the direction of the garden, trying to appear calm, saying nothing, intensely aware that Qazim was watching her. She knew that if she turned her head and looked at him, his gaze would be as intense as always.

Impossible to ignore.

She heard noise from inside the sitting room. A door opened and two palace staff came out onto the terrace. They pushed a low trolley. On it, she saw familiar looking food that was still hot, giving off a small cloud of steam.

Grace inhaled the scent of the chicken dish. He was right. It was her favorite, a delicately flavored chicken recipe she'd grown to love soon after she'd arrived a year ago.

She recalled its sweet taste. It was unique to Qazhar. She remembered the first time she'd eaten it, when she'd been out on one of her first dates with Qazim.

She smiled at him. "You remembered," she declared.

He simply nodded and said nothing else. They both watched as the servants dished out the food. Other plates had been brought, laden with varieties of tasty looking vegetables.

"Did you tell me you weren't hungry?" he asked her in teasing voice.

She shook her head and smiled. "I'm sure I'll find a way to eat that," she said looking at what had been laid out on her plate. She was hungry, she admitted to herself. And this was irresistible.

After everything had been set out, the staff drifted into the background, reappearing only when Qazim called on them.

Qazim and Grace ate for while. They chatted and mostly the conversation was about matters to do with what had been happening around the household recently. Ordinary, everyday matters. At one point, it struck Grace that they were talking like some long-married couple, going over the details of their daily life.

All the talk steered well clear of mentioning the real reason she'd come to his suite.

She already knew Qazim was a skilled conversationalist. He made her laugh, time and time again. It was almost as if they were seeing each other anew, she realized. This was what it had been like at the beginning of their relationship.

Was this a new beginning? Was it really as simple as that? Could she even hope that they could turn over anew leaf and make a fresh start?

After the main meal, there was a selection of sweet delicacies, unique to Qazhar. She recognized all of them and took her pick of ones she knew she liked.

Then coffee was brought. Staff kept themselves at a discreet distance throughout the meal. Qazim had instructed them well, she told herself. However, she was sure they must be surprised to see Grace here, in Qazim's private rooms.

She thought about what she'd seen when she'd arrived. His bedroom. Just thinking about that made her heart beat quicker. And then there was that other room. The one with the door firmly closed. She wondered what was in there. This suite of rooms was large, too large for just one person, she told herself.

But it was just the right size for a couple. And even one extra, very small, addition.

Was that what he had planned? That she would see how they could all be together here?

Just like a real family.

All she had to do was tell Qazim one simple thing.

I will stay, Qazim. From now on, we will all live together, as a family.

So, why was it that every time she thought about saying those words, she felt a tightness in her chest, a gnawing doubt?

After the staff left them alone, Qazim and Grace remained on the terrace. Grace took her glass of mineral water, and Qazim emptied the bottle into his own glass. The bottle of champagne stood where it had been since the earlier part of the evening. Still unfinished.

"That was lovely, Qazim," Grace said.

"I'll send your compliments down to the chef," he joked.

"Don't bother," she replied. "I'll tell him myself in the morning."

There was an awkward pause. They both seemed to realize that the evening had reached an important point.

Grace started to speak, but Qazim spoke at exactly the same moment, their words clashing.
