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They both looked at one another and smiled.

"You wanted to say something," he said.

"I just wanted to say what a lovely evening this has been."

Qazim nodded. "I'm pleased you enjoyed it," he said simply.

Was that it? As far as he was concerned, there was nothing else to say? Nothing else for them to do?

"I thought..." she started to say and then her voice trailed off. She couldn't find the right words to say what she knew she had to say to him.

He had an expectant look on his face, as if he sensed what she was about to say. But he was holding himself in check, restraining any impatience he might be feeling. Surely he must want to know what she wanted to do. Hadn't that been why he'd invited her here in the first place?

There was a very long pause. All Grace could hear was the sound of insects from the garden.

Then Qazim moved toward her.

His gaze darkened, and she knew he wasn't willing to wait any longer.

The time for waiting was over.

Suddenly there was a hunger on his face. A need that he couldn't hold back any longer.

Grace felt every one of her nerves come to life as she watched Qazim come closer.

And she knew just what was about to happen.


Qazim swept her up in his arms. Grace let herself sink into his embrace, relief sweeping through like a tidal wave. His body felt hard, every muscle taut. But, somehow, his embrace was unbelievably tender, even careful.

She gasped as his lips crashed down upon hers. Sensation overtook her. His kiss was demanding and hungry. She could feel the tension which had been building up inside him being suddenly let loose.

Just like hers.

She felt him pull her close, pressing her hard against his firm body. Grace grasped at his powerful shoulders, curling her fingers around the strong muscle.

A vague, timid impulse flickered inside her. She shouldn't be doing this, she told herself. This wasn't what she'd come here for. This could only end in disaster.

For her and for him.

But, just as quickly as those thoughts flashed into her mind, another firmer, more trusted voice told her that this was exactly what she had needed for a very long time.

Qazim's hand slid down the length of her back, resting at the base of her spine. Gentle pressure there pushed her against him. She almost felt the breath being sucked out of her.

But, it felt wonderful.

Qazim's tongue probed her mouth and she felt her nervesignite. She gasped, and that only seemed to drive him on with even greater determination.

Grace felt as if she was wrapped up in him, enclosed by him. She felt the heat of his body; tasted the sweetness of his kiss.

His lips were firm and passionate, seeking pleasure, needing her.

She knew she shouldn't have been surprised by the strength of his desire for her. Hadn't he waited too long? Hadn't it been her who had forced him to wait too long? Judging by his need, Qazim would have claimed her like this at any time during the past twelve months.

Grace was taken aback by the sheer physical strength of his body. His muscles were taut. She slid a hand up between both their bodies and felt the hardness of his chest through the thin fabric of his shirt. She was sure she could feel his heartbeat, thudding furiously there.

For long moments, Grace simply surrendered to pleasure. She abandoned herself to him, to this embrace, to this ravenous kiss.
