Page 88 of Wanting the Winger

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“Another round for my friends,”I tell the cocktail waitress in the VIP area of the club.

“Sure thing.” She looks me over appreciatively and smiles.

She’s attractive enough to tempt me, but I already have my hands full—literally—with a sexy blonde and an equally sexy brunette. With my arms wrapped around them, they each occupy a seat on one of my thighs. And judging by their smiles, neither of them seem to mind sharing my attention, which bodes well for me. This night just keeps improving. First, we won our game, and now, I’ve hit the hook-up jackpot with the two hottest women here.

The waitress reappears, setting drinks down on the small tables in front of the long, armless couch.

“Thank you,” I say. “When you get a chance, I’d like another round.”

“Flynn, go easy, brother,” Darren cautions.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine. I couldn’t feel better. We kicked the Storm’s asses, and now I’m just celebrating with my teammates.”

“Don’t forget us,” blondie says with a giggle.

“As if I could.” I wink. My new brunette friend hands me my drink before passing the rest out to our group, keeping one for herself. I down the whiskey in three large gulps, barely tasting it until the final swallow.

“Flynn,” Darren calls my name, giving me a concerned glance.

“Dude, stop acting like an old man. Can’t you let loose a little and live?”

“You can have a good time without getting shitfaced,” he reasons, but I’m not in the mood to listen to anything he has to say. No matter how logical it might be. It doesn’t make a difference that he’s my best friend and has been since college. None of that carries any weight when I’m feeling restless and don’t know why.

Whenever I get this way, my reckless side comes out. Similar to a genie in a lamp, once it’s released, there’s no simple way to put it away. I wish there was a magical phrase I could say to snap myself out of my self-destructive mode.

You know that voice in the back of your head telling you not to do something? Well, I don’t have one, at least not one that functions properly. Mine eggs me on, daring me to do my worst. I don’t need a crazy friend to make bets with me; my subconscious takes care of that on its own.

Darren and other friends have told me many times that I don’t know when to stop. That I can’t set limits for myself. That I’m my own worst enemy and I sabotage myself. And maybe that’s all true.

But at least I have a good time while I’m fucking everything up. I give one hundred percent no matter what I do. Good or bad. That should count for something.

As the night goes on, I lose track of how much I’ve had to drink. My new friends have become exceedingly affectionate with me, and each other, and I know it’s time to get out of here. Too inebriated to drive and eager to see what the rest of the night has in store, I lead them to the hotel next door.

I hand over my credit card without a second thought, and before I know it, we’re stepping inside the elevator. One of the girls drops to her knees, undoing my pants while the other one kisses me. I don’t know who’s who at this point and I don’t care. The slide of the doors closing and the hum of the elevator moving barely register as a hot mouth wraps around my cock.

Fuck yeah.

* * *

Groaning, and not from pleasure, I force my eyelids to open. A sharp slice of agony hits right between my eyes, radiating upward and outward. It feels as though my head is being chewed up by Godzilla.

A handful of slow blinks later, I’m able to keep my eyes open. I take in the rumpled bed and my two companions. My lips quirk with a satisfied grin. My hangover isn’t the only thing here that sucks.

As much as I’d like to have another go with these two adventurous ladies, it’s later than I expected. I need to get home and call in to a local talk radio show I’m scheduled to be on.

Slipping from the bed, I get dressed as quietly as possible. The last thing I need is to wake them up. If I do, I’ll miss my call for sure. I’m not worried about saying goodbye to either of them. I don’t plan to see them ever again, and I made that clear at the club. Never let it be said that I’m not up front about my intentions when it comes to the fairer sex.

Closing the door behind me, I hang the do not disturb sign on the handle. The elevator ride to the lobby is a lot less memorable than last night’s. I stop at the front desk to check out and turn in the room key before I head next door. Thank fuck my truck is still safely parked in the lot. This beauty was my first purchase when I signed with the Pirates. For that reason alone, I’ll never sell her, but she happens to be badass too. Driving her is a dream, and there isn’t a single time when I’m behind the wheel that I don’t feel grateful.

The drive to my house takes about fifteen minutes, and the first thing I do once I’m inside is to take a shower. The hot water and steam help to clear the fog from my head. By the time I’m back downstairs having a cup of coffee, I feel ninety percent better.

The call with the talk radio sports show goes well and takes less time than I anticipated. Now it’s time to get some food in my stomach.
