Page 89 of Wanting the Winger

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My doorbell rings, interrupting my search for something to eat. I’m not expecting company, and aside from Darren, I don’t usually have uninvited guests showing up. Opening the door, I find my little sister, Kendra, standing on my front stoop.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask.

“It’s nice to see you too, Flynn,” she snarks, pushing by me.

“Come on in,” I jest and shut the door. “It’s not that I don’t like looking at your adorable face, but what are you doing here?”

She kicks her heels off, leaving them in the middle of the floor, before dropping her keys on the small entryway table. “I need coffee before I do anything else.” She stalks toward the kitchen with me following.

“What a coincidence. I was just mid-cup, myself.”

Kendra grabs an oversized mug from the cabinet and fills it with rich, dark coffee. Neither of us uses cream. We don’t like to mess with perfection.

“God, that’s good,” she says with a pleased sigh. “Your coffee always tastes better than mine. What do you do differently than me?”

“If I tell you, then you won’t need to stop by unexpectedly anymore.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. As your publicist, you give me plenty of reasons besides coffee.”

“I’m guessing your being here has something to do with last night,” I say.

“You guessed right. What the hell were you thinking, Flynn?” She gives me the stink eye over the mug.

I’m not even sure what she’s upset about. From what I remember of last night, I behaved well. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Really?” Her lip curls with repugnance. “You had two women in your lap most of the night.”

I grin. “I know. It was a great time.”

“Flynn, we’ve had this conversation too many times already. Why do you do this to me?”

“Do what to you?”

“Stress me out,” she yells.

“I don’t see how I stressed you out.”

“Maybe it has something to do with you and the two women you were with being plastered all over the television and internet today.”

“That’s awesome.” I smile.

Kendra shakes her head and fire shoots from her eyes. Okay, I imagined that part, but if she had super powers, I’d be a pile of ash right now. “That’s not how most people look at it, Flynn. You think it’s awesome because you took those women to a hotel and did God knows what with them. But TMC got footage of you at the desk getting a room, and for the cherry on top, there’s video of one on the women on her knees while the other one is kissing you.”

“I was there. I don’t need you to recap it.”

“Hey, asshole. I didn’t need to see footage of it either. But I did, because my brother is selfish and stupid and doesn’t care if his actions reflect badly on others.”

“No one’s going to hold my sex life against you, Kendra. Don’t be so narcissistic. Everything isn’t about you.”

“Narcissistic?” She half gasps, half laughs the word out. “You don’t know the meaning of that word. If you did, you’d know that’s the last thing I am. While you’re busy only thinking of yourself, I’m busy doing damage control.”

“Damage control for what? Since when is a single guy getting his rocks off a crime?”

“Since you had to do it on camera and with two women. Why can’t you have sex with one person at a time like most people?” she asks.

“Why should I be like most people? Why does anyone care what I do in my free time?”

“Flynn, you know the answer to that as well as I do. You’re a famous football player. Everything you do is a reflection on your team. Remember them? You need to start keeping them in mind or you won’t have a job much longer.”
