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“Will you be unpacking them once you’re there?” she asks, cutting off my attempt at elaborating.

“Yes.” I open my mouth to add more and she holds up her hand.

“Uh uh.” She tics her index finger from side to side. “You know I’m right.”

“Don’t spin this to be anything more than it is,” I say.

“You’re being naive. The two of you are already dating. Living with him is only going to push you together even more. You’ll be living there ‘for real’ in no time at all.”

Is that what Kaiden is thinking? Is everyone going to think that?

I didn’t take much time to think about the consequences of temporarily staying there. In my defense, he was shirtless at the time. I don’t know how anyone could be expected to think rationally in that situation. With all those rippling muscles in front of me, I’m lucky I held it together. I could’ve drooled or done something equally embarrassing.

“I’m starting to question agreeing to this,” I confess, placing a hand on my anxiously churning stomach.

Serena frowns. “Why?”

“I don’t want to end up in a relationship with him because it’s convenient or that I just happen to be there.”

“Girl, you’re already in a relationship with him whether you realize it or not.”

“No, I’m not. Yes, he and I have had a few dates and shared some kisses, but that doesn’t mean it’s going anywhere.”

“I’ve only met him once and I could tell he wasn’t planning on letting you go. He looked like he wanted to eat you up then. I can only imagine the blue balls he’s got by now.”


“What? It’s true. He’s going to be practically feral by the time you give it up. Lucky you. He’s going to go beast mode and fuck you through the mattress.”

Laughing, I cover my mouth. “You’re so crude.”

“I’m sorry, but if you’re expecting gentle lovemaking, I don’t think that’s the way it’s going to be, at least not the first time. You’re going to get f-u-c-k-e-d, you lucky girl. I’m a little jealous, but I’m hoping he has some hot friends you can introduce me to.”

“He does. I met a couple yesterday.”

“And you didn’t tell me? What kind of friend are you?”

“You didn’t give me a chance.”

“I’m listening now.”

“Ryder and Murphy showed up yesterday while I was there. They’re hilarious, and even though they were exasperating for Kaiden to deal with, I can tell how much he cares about them. He’s like the dad of their team. It’s adorable.”

“Talk about adorable. Look at how gone you are for him.” Serena smiles at me. “I love seeing you this happy.”

“I am kind of crazy about him.”

“Kind of? Stop fooling yourself. Just accept how you feel and go for it. Jesus. You’re being handed the perfect opportunity by staying with him. Who knew Malcolm would ever be the catalyst to you living with a hockey god?”

“Pfft. It’s about time Mal did something nice for me.”

“Right?” And the best part is, he doesn’t even know what he did,” she says.

“I’d say spending more time with Kaiden is the best part. But Mal inadvertently being the reason brings a nice symmetry to it.”

“Speaking of Mal, he texted and said he’d be here Wednesday night.”

“Good thing I’m leaving tomorrow.” I smile.
