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My lips curve as I read his words. He’s always protective of me. That’s one of my favorite things about him. It shows he cares.

No, stay home. I have to finish packing anyway. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.

If anything happens that makes you uncomfortable, call me. I’ll come get you. No matter what time it is.

That’s sweet.

I mean it.

I know you do. I don’t think he’s staying over. This morning he told Serena he wasn’t coming until Wednesday.

Does he know it’s Monday?

I laugh.

Maybe not. I’m going to take a shower. Enjoy the rest of your night.

Lock the door.

I’m a big girl. Stop worrying. Goodnight.

I want you safe. I’ll talk to you later.

Smiling, I shake my head. Why am I not surprised he’s going to check in with me later?

A warm sensation washes over me and fills my chest with an emotion I’m not sure I’m ready for. But I’ve never had a boyfriend take care of me like he does, and that’s reassuring for me.

On our first date he made me say out loud that I’m extraordinary, and even though it was awkward as hell to do so, I did it because he asked me to. Every interaction we have makes me feel like he really does think I’m extraordinary.



Rori isn’t expecting me,but after last night’s texting exchange, there was no way I could stay away. If there’s one thing I know, it’s guys, and guys who know they fucked up will do anything to get the girl back. I’m sure Mal’s currently kicking himself for letting her go.

I rap my knuckles on the door and remind myself to stay calm. It’s only a few seconds before Rori appears. Her eyebrows jump, showing her surprise, before her lips spread into a wide smile. “Hi, come on in.”

Stepping across the threshold, I shove the door closed and take her into my arms. Burying my face in the crook where her shoulder and neck meet, I inhale her familiar soft, sweet floral scent while I hold her tightly to me.

She laughs. “Good morning.”

“It’s good now,” I say against her skin. My lips skim a kiss over her pulse point before I raise my head enough to stare down into her eyes. I momentarily lose myself in the golden brown depths. I press my forehead to hers.

I’m crazy about this woman.

“I hope it’s okay I came by without calling, but I was worried about you after last night.”

“You shouldn’t have been. I’m fine.”

“If you hadn’t texted me before you went to bed, I was going to drive over here and see for myself that you were okay.”

She giggles. “I guess it’s a good thing I texted.”

“Yes and no. Yes because your text helped to relieve some of my worry. And no because if I had come over, I could’ve held you in my arms all night.”

“Hmm, like my own personal bodyguard?”

“That’s me, baby. I’ll always keep you safe.” I brush the tip of my nose over hers, sweeping side to side before placing a gentle kiss on her sweet, parted lips. I’m about to move in for a deeper kiss when a throat clears.
