Page 11 of Muskoka Blue

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“I wouldn’t mind going to the post office, if that’s okay.”


The minutes passed in silence, leading him to wonder again about his passenger. He wasn’t any expert on women, but most he knew talked way more than this.

He pulled into the commercial area and parked. “Canada Post is just there.” He pointed. “They’re pretty efficient. Meet you back here in twenty?”

“Okay. Thanks.” She exited, her gait a little uneven as she walked up the street.

He frowned and went inside a small grocery store to collect the next few days’ necessities. As he lined up to pay, he noticed the young blonde cashier give him a second glance.

“Excuse me. Don’t you play defense for the Maple Leafs? You’re Daniel Walton, right?”

Dan forced a smile as she started the customary small talk. Years of the limelight had taught him to respect the fans. But still, it’d be nice to enjoy a vacation anonymously for once.

Her smile widened as he paid then hefted up the bags. “Bye, Daniel. See you next time!”

“See ya.” He headed outside. Better avoid that store next time. He’d seen that look a few too many times before. He shuddered, recalling Jai Mullins’s recent wedding, where he’d overheard a woman whisper something to a friend about the NHL. They’d smiled at him, speculative gleams in their eyes. He’d exchanged glances with his NHL Bible study friends, Brent Karlsson, Beau Nash, Mike Vaughan, and Tyler Woletsky. Guys had been burned before. He knew that only too well.

Sarah waited by the Jeep, her long red hair windblown. She clutched a small paper bag.

He loaded his groceries into the back of the vehicle. “Anything else you want to do?”

She shook her head.

“You got your postcards?”

“How did you know?”

Dan unlocked her door. “You’re a tourist, you went to the post office, and those shapes in the bag kinda look like postcards to me.”

She climbed in. “I didn’t know you were a detective.”

He laughed to himself. And Little Miss Frosty was back. Good luck to the fiancé. Sarah was an ice princess, for sure.

He exited the parking lot, escaping the town’s tourist traffic as he turned onto the county road that led closer to the lake. At least his passenger’s silence meant he could think. And pray.

Lord, I know You’ve blessed me in lots of ways—with a good family, great church friends, an awesome job, and a super nice house. I’m thankful, really I am.

But he was still lonely. The house still seemed empty. There was too much space.

He changed gear again to climb the steeply graded hill, glancing over to where Sarah fiddled with her ring. His grip tightened on the steering wheel as he fought a spike of envy. Most of the other guys in the NHL online Bible study group had found wives or girlfriends in recent years. John said God would bring along the right woman at the right time, but where was she? Someone to talk, laugh, and live life’s adventures with—surely that wasn’t too much to ask.But another year kept clocking by with no prospect of his life ever changing. Yeah, he’d had a few first dates, but he’d never felt any real connection or been intrigued enough to want more. And he always wondered if the glossy, made-up faces were just that—made-up, shiny veneers to hide someone totally different underneath. Like Lana.

Shame shivered up his spine. Could he ever fully trust a woman again? And how good did he need to be for God to trust him with a wife and family?

He took the bend a little wide. His passenger gave a muffled cry. As he grappled with the steering wheel, he glimpsed Sarah bracing herself between the door and the dash. He gritted his teeth, wrestled the Jeep back on the road, and pulled up safely on the shoulder.Thank You, God.

He exhaled, willing his heartbeat to slow as he turned. Sarah was even paler than usual, staring straight ahead, still clenching the door in a white-knuckled death grip.

“Hey, Sarah.” He waited until she finally looked at him, her eyes’ usual emptiness replaced by stark fear. “Hey, you’re safe, we’re okay now. I’m sorry if I scared you.”

If?He bit his lip. She still seemed terrified. Compassion shot through him, and he leaned across to touch her arm.

Her flinch felt like a slap. He drew back, waiting until Sarah finally nodded, then he shifted the Jeep into gear for the final stretch home.

Dan shook his head. How could he think about having a wife and family if he couldn’t even keep his mind on just getting home safely? His stomach tensed. Maybe he’d never be good enough. He’d done some stupid things in the past. But God was full of mercy, wasn’t He? That’s what John kept saying, anyway.

He carefully rounded the final bend.How long, God?The plea was never too far from his heart these days, usually followed byI’m trying to trust You.But, man, waiting was hard.
