Page 16 of The Distinct

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The emotions became stronger the closer we got to the area and I knew within moments we’d get our first look at them. But nothing could have prepared me for what we would see. Wilder was the first to stop, taking a step back, Sasha gasping at his side.

Pushing through the others, I glanced at the sight before us, wondering what had us stopping. And then, the emotions running through my power made sense. Because standing before us, ready to attack, was a dark sight. There were creatures with their fangs bared, shadows dancing along their skin. Animals encompassed in dark tendrils. And men and women with inky glows. They weren’t Dark creatures. They weren’t made of shadows.

They were Divines.

Chapter Sixteen


Staring at the horror before me, I shifted back to my human form, keeping my eye on the creatures for when they decided to attack. Right now, we were all in a face off, neither side moving as we stared at the others.

“What’s the plan now?” I murmured to Wilder, knowing this wasn’t something we had prepared for.

Standing before us, were only around a dozen Divines, but that’s exactly what they were.One of us.Sure, the Darkness had fucked with them and they were clearly the feral Divines we had learned about in history classes, but they were once just like us.

Wilder hesitated, clearly unsure of what to do, but Knox was the one that spoke up. “We do what we originally planned. They may have been Divines, but they no longer are. We all know that their minds have been taken by the Darkness. We kill them.”

There was no hesitancy in Knox’s voice and we all heard the order underneath. We had a plan and we were sticking to it. As our group readied to attack, the others must have noticed, their shadows spreading around them as they changed their stances, death in their eyes.

Shifting back to my wolf, I bared my teeth, ready for the attack. None of us would be dying today. Only the Darkness would suffer. I felt Halley’s shield surround us, giving us the protection while we attacked. I waited a few moments and then as Wilder spoke the words to begin, I was off, charging towards the large wolves in front of me.

The wolves snarled as I grew closer, the shadows fluctuating around their bodies, as if a living part of them. My strides weren’t hesitant as I ran at them, prepared to tear them apart. My jaw expanded as I reached my first victim, but before I could grasp them in my teeth, another creature leapt at my side, halting me.

Startled, I looked up to see Kalani’s creature standing above me, the reason for my pause. Confused, I shifted, ready to lay into her. Thankfully, Halley’s shield still held and the wolves surrounding us weren’t able to attack.

“What the fuck was that? Did you not hear the attack order?” I yelled, furious. Now wasn’t the time for remorse. This was a war, whether we liked it or not.

Quickly, Kalani’s human form was standing before me, wide eyes begging me to listen. Turning towards the rest of the group, she shouted. “Stop! We need to stop.”

Surprisingly, everyone listened, pausing in their own movements. Everyone turned their confused stares towards Kalani, waiting for her to explain what had caused her intervention.

“I can hear their voices. The Shifters. I think it’s because of my creature, but I can speak to them.” Kalani explained and at her words, she suddenly had everyone’s attention. The only one who’s focus was elsewhere was my strong girl, who held the shield against the dozen Divines hastily trying to break through.

“What are you saying, Kalani?” Eli asked, walking to her side.

Sighing, Kalani explained. “I can hear their voices. They’re still in there. The Darkness didn’t change who they are, it’s controlling them. They don’t have a choice, but they can’t help it. They’re being held hostage inside their own minds.”

“The agony.” Eli mumbled, realization in his tone.

Except, I didn’t know what we were realizing. I understood what Kalani was trying to say. We weren’t merciless killers. We weren’t the fucking Council. But what other choice did we have? They were going to kill us, I could see it in their eyes, even if it wasn’t their choice.

“What the fuck do we do then?” I asked, looking around at all the perplexed faces. After this information, it seemed all the volunteers were less adamant to kill. They didn’t want to murder their own kind.

After several moments, Knox finally spoke up, forever the leader. “We capture one. Take them back to the castle and try to figure out how to get them out of the Darkness’ clutches.” Knox turned towards me. “Think you can knock one out, Madden?”

Snorting, I walked forward, aiming towards one of the slimmer men in the middle of the group. Pulling my fist back, I slammed forward with all my extra strength, grabbing the man as he fell and pulling him onto our side of the shield. The other Divines began to howl and scream at their fallen friend, but I paid them no attention.

With the man over my shoulder, I turned to the rest of the group, leading the way home.

“Let’s go figure this shit out.”

Chapter Seventeen


After Kalani’s revelation, we all followed Madden back towards the castle, leaving the snarling Divines behind. My shield had protected us from any attack and my power hadn’t waned once. Walking behind Madden, I watched the man he had grabbed slung over his shoulder, head bobbing with each step. I had no clue how hard Madden had punched the man, but he didn’t seem to be waking up anytime soon.

Eli was walking at my side, and I felt the tickle on my neck as he leaned down to whisper in my ear. “We need to talk to Willow about Kalani’s creature. Figure out why she can hear the Shifters when no one else can.”
