Page 91 of One Night in Vegas

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I wasn’t ready to jump off the deck of the building. I wanted it. I wanted us to plan our weekends together. I wanted to show her all the things money could buy.

“Are we ready?” I asked the group after paying the large bill.

Once again, we loaded into the stretch limo. We were escorted to our seats for the show.

Once again, it just so happened Macy was seated next to me in the row of seats in the theater. Watching her face as she watched the show cemented what I had believed from the moment I first laid eyes on her—she was mine.

I just needed to figure out how to make her understand she was going to be mine.



We were all exhausted by the time we dragged ourselves through the door. Everyone found their rooms and headed for bed. I was still feeling a little amped after the excitement of the day.

The show had been amazing. Dinner had left me feeling stuffed and satisfied. And as much as I wanted to go to sleep, I knew there was no way I could fall asleep right away.

After changing into my silk pajamas, I opened my bedroom door. The place was quiet. I could hear some rustling around upstairs, but it seemed like everyone was settled in for the night. I quietly crept down the stairs and found my way into the kitchen. There was a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter, but that wasn’t what I was after. I needed some tea. I hoped I could find some in the massive kitchen. I told myself it wasn’t snooping as I opened one cabinet after another.

“Score,” I whispered.

There was a large selection of tea. I went with chamomile. I found a cup, filled it, and popped it in the microwave. The kitchen was slightly closed off from the rest of the penthouse, but there was a wide window that gave a nice view of the Vegas skyline. Bright billboards in the distance danced and cast prisms of light across the sky. The view was breathtaking. Trisha’s words came back to me. She congratulated me on my move up in the world. Could I live like this? What would it be like to fly to another city to stay in another lavish home? I had never really dreamed about being wealthy or living the life of the rich and famous, but boy, this was nice.

The microwave beeped, snapping me out of the daydream. I pulled the cup from the microwave and was busy mixing my tea when I heard footsteps. I turned to see Jon. He was wearing plaid pajama bottoms and a T-shirt.

“Oh,” he said when he saw me. “I didn’t realize anyone was in here.”

“I was just sneaking a cup of tea,” I said. “I’m a little wired.”

“Me too,” he said. “But I wasn’t going for tea.”

He walked to the fridge and pulled out a plastic container.

“That better not be anything to do with chocolate,” I teased.

“Worse,” he said, grinning. “My chef knows me well.”

He pulled back the lid to reveal something dark and most definitely chocolate. “What is that?” I asked with my mouth watering.

“It’s his version of a lava cake,” he answered. He pulled out two forks from a drawer and handed one to me. “I’ll share with you, but only because those jammies are sexy as hell. No one else gets my cake.”

His obsession with chocolate was endearing. “My jammies are very average and safe to wear in mixed company.”

“They’re not safe around me.”

I waggled my finger at him. “No funny business. This is strictly work.”


“You know what I mean,” I said. “Work related.”

He took my fork back, cut off a large chunk of the cake, and gave me the fork again. “Try it. I want to watch your face when it hits your taste buds.”

I took the bite and was hit with a burst of delectable chocolate and sugar. It was creamy and rich and absolutely divine. “Oh my God,” I groaned. “Wow. Just wow.”

His eyes were on my mouth. He looked like he was going to jump the counter to get at me. I put the fork down. I didn’t dare take another bite.

“Good, huh?” he asked.
