Page 95 of One Night in Vegas

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“Good. Amazing, actually.”

“Does that mean you and Macy are getting along still?” he asked with a laugh. “You haven’t tried to kill her or vice versa.”

“No, quite the opposite,” I said. “Things have been good. Really good. I happened to run into her downstairs in the kitchen after everyone else had gone to bed.”

He groaned. “I’m never eating anything that comes out of that kitchen again.”

“Very funny. Nothing happened in the kitchen. We couldn’t. Too big a risk someone might catch us.”

“And?” he prompted.

“And she came to my room,” I announced with a great deal of pleasure.

“I knew you two would end up in bed together.”

“I know, I know.” I chuckled.

“Which one of you bolted before daylight?”

“Neither,” I answered. “She was still there when I woke up.”

“Shit, that’s progress. Real progress. Do you think this might be the one?”

“You know, that’s exactly what I think,” I replied. “You all just kept telling me I was crazy.”

“I’m happy for you,” he said. “Truly, I am. I hope it works out. You deserve to be happy.”

“Thanks. I’m hoping to spend the day with her. I’m not sure if that’s what she wants, but I’m certainly going to try and convince her.”

“Doesn’t sound like it’s going to be all that hard to convince her to hang out with you,” he said. “This might be just the thing the two of you need. Seems like you’ve been doing this dance long enough. It’s time to make a move.”

“Trust me, I’ve been making moves.”

“Not in the bedroom,” he said dryly. “I mean actually make a move, like tell her you’re serious and not going to cut and run. Again.”

“She ran on me the first time,” I reminded him.

“Yeah, yeah, but now it’s time to get serious.”

We talked a bit longer before it was time for me to go in and greet my guests. “Breakfast will be served in the dining room,” I announced. “The chef has prepared a special meal.”

I didn’t see Macy yet and assumed she was still getting ready for the day. Everyone sat down, and Macy snuck in at the last minute and took a seat across from me.

“What’s everyone’s plans for the day?” I asked casually.

“We’re going to take a helicopter tour over the Grand Canyon,” someone said.

“That’s cool,” I said. “You’ll love it.”

The others chimed in. Some were hitting the casino while others were going to do some shopping and sightseeing. I noticed Macy had said nothing. She didn’t know anyone and was probably feeling a little left out.

I waited until the conversations distracted everyone from myself. “Would you like to spend the day with me?” I asked quietly.

“Shh,” she said and pulled a face.

“Don’t make plans,” I said.

She nodded, telling me we were good to go.
