Page 17 of Luxe

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He shrugs, "I don't know. I must've skipped that class. I wasn't very good at school."

That makes me guffaw. Kylian was valedictorian of both his high school class and his undergraduate college class. How do I know? Because Nathan was in those same classes and never forgave Kylian for beating him both times.

If it had been anyone but his best friend, Nathan would probably have had him secretly shivved in a dark alley or something. And I'm only kind of kidding. Nathan does not like to lose and isn't known for being gracious about it.

But I’d rather be caught dead wearing an Oompa Loompa costume than admit that I know Kylian Baxter is as smart as he actually is.

"Look, it’s clear that you’re not the brightest bulb in the pack. I mean, you don't seem to be able to grasp the very simple concept that you're not walking me to my car."

He chuckles and just shrugs again before turning serious. "Forget Nathan. You know as well as I do that I can't let you walk there alone at this time of night. It's not safe, Kiara. Not just for you, for anyone," he says, leaning in, his voice utterly sincere.

But I know better than to believe a damn word that comes out of his mouth. That’s not a lesson anyone who has learned it forgets.

I take a step back and cross my arms across my chest. "I'm not just anyone, Kylian."

He steps forward, filling the space that I vacated and turns his head, so that his lips are dangerously close to my cheek as he whispers, "Don't need to tell me that."

I pull back immediately, his voice swirling in my head as well as the faintest whiff of his Maison Francis Kurkdjian cologne. All this time later and he's still wearing it.

Classic. Clean. Elegant. And the very reason I can't stand the scent of vanilla.

"Good night, Kylian," I say, short. Time to stop this... whatever this is... short. "Thanks for the offer but I honestly don't want nor need you to walk me to the car." And not only because I have no idea where my car is.

To my surprise he straightens up, looks at me for a second, shoves his hands into his pockets and nods. "Okay. Good night, Kiara."

I'm a little taken aback at his sudden change of mind but I take it.

Before he can change his mind, I spin on my heel and almost run around the nearest corner, stopping as soon as I’m hiding behind a building wall. A quick glance at my phone tells me it’s almost 2:15 a.m.

I’m going to have to flag down a cab soon; if I wait for much longer it’s going to be almost impossible to find one. Despite my bravado, hanging around this dark street corner for too long probably isn't a good idea, no matter how good I am with my purse swing and fifteen years of martial arts training.

I jog back to where my car should’ve been and wait for a cab to drive by.

Ten minutes and ten occupied cabs later, I start to feel a little anxious. It's not too late yet that I probably won't be able to get one to stop, but you just never know in Hong Kong.

Two more taxis whiz by, both filled with passengers.


The roads are already starting to clear.

It's almost five more minutes, an eternity when you're waiting, before a car turns into the street, its headlights bright in my eyes.

I wave a hand in the air, letting out my held breath when it slows.

It's not a cab though, it's a convertible. Silver Jaguar, F-Type. Top down.

And it slows to a standstill three feet from me.

From the driver's seat, Kylian Baxter smiles that fucking smile at me again before he says, "Finally ready to admit you need a ride?"



When I’d called the number on the paper Dennis had given me, all they’d told me was the address of this apartment building. No amount of cajoling, threatening, bribing and flat-out blackmail got me any other information. I’d gone to dinner, responded to some emails, and gone to bed, with nothing else on my mind.

At 1:50 a.m. I’d jumped in my car and driven here. Other than the dark residential apartments, there wasn't anything to give me any clue as to what it could mean. I’d gone for a walk around the block and when I returned, I’d been greeted with the sight of Kiara yelling at an empty parking spot. I guess it was a good thing I was there.
