Page 18 of Last Dance

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If she doesn’t know anything then hopefully she’s not worth anything to anyone but me.

To me she’s my whole world.

I walk into our bedroom and my heart lurches when I see her lying, sleeping in our big bed. She looks so tiny and fragile. She hasn’t been feeling well lately and I’m worried about her. She’s so tired all the time and queasy after she eats. I almost killed the chef but she just rolled her eyes and told me I was being ridiculous.

If worrying about her is being ridiculous, I’ll take it.

I sit down on the bed and she opens her eyes, smiling before it fades away slightly. “Anything?”

Taking a deep breath, I lie to my wife for hopefully the first and last time.

“No. Nothing. I’m sure she’s alright. Victor is gone too and hopefully he’s with her and keeping her safe.”

She nods her head and closes her eyes, her pale cheeks making my heart flutter.

“Lay down with me?” I will never deny her any comfort I can give her. Whatever I have is hers and I slip out of my clothes and then slide into bed with her. She rolls to me and her soft breath puffs against my throat, making my chest tighten.

Then she falls asleep again, snuggling in deeper. I close my eyes and lean my chin on her soft, sweet-smelling hair, drawing her scent deep into my lungs, letting it soothe me.

“I love you.”

She smiles but doesn’t open her eyes. “I love you too.”

Victor will keep Petal safe and I will keep my wife safe. And soon they will be reunited. We just need to keep going until we find the man that killed my father and then destroy him, tear him apart and make sure that he’s never a threat to anyone again.

Heaven have mercy on his soul because I never will.

Epilogue Two: Tally

Iwatch out the window, knowing that my king will be home soon. Xavier is never late coming home if he can help it. He says that he needs me to recharge his batteries for the next challenge.

I’m all for that. I will never turn him down. Never leave him. He’s it for me.

It’s been six months since we got married and I know he’s been waiting on pins and needles, hoping and praying.

A secret smile plays on my lips. Tonight I’m going to give him the best surprise any man could hope for.

A pair of headlights followed by two more sets rolls up the driveway and my heart thumps wildly in my chest, waiting for my husband to come to me.

“Dove? Where are you, little one?”

Smiling, I hear him clomp down the hall with his loyal men in tow. I used to be afraid of these men, fearing the way that they make their living. The horrible things that I’m sure they must do to keep the business going.

But now I know that I’m safe as houses with them. Not one of them would ever lay a hand on me. Nor would they cross their don. My husband.

He took over the business when his father died and he’s done absolutely everything to keep it going. It’s a labor of love for him and his men. This family means everything to them. They might not all have the blood but they all have the heart that belongs to the family around them. The family they’ve all adopted.

The door pops open and my huge husband’s head appears followed by his massive body dressed in a perfectly-tailored Italian suit. My heart skips a beat and I can’t stop the smile on my face as I trip across the room to him.

“Hello, dove. Why are you back here?” he asks me, his serious eyes looking me over carefully. “You haven’t come back in this room since…”

He doesn’t finish the thought and the pain that it has caused me since it happens isn’t as bad. I will always hurt when I think about our first pregnancy. We barely got used to the idea and then it was gone. Miscarriage.

The doctor said it was nothing we had done and no one could have known that it was going to happen. But both Xavier and I took it hard.

This room, the nursery that we never got to finish and move our little one into has been a painful reminder of what we lost and I haven’t set foot in it since then.

But life goes on and miracles happen. A little smile plays on my lips as I tease him.

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