Page 108 of For his Surrender

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So, no, I don’t understand, but even I’m able to recognize that age has a weight.If mine brings the need to assume responsibilities, Antonella’s brings the right to immaturity, and too many people have already denied it. I will not be one more of them.

I lift one of my hands up her face in a slow caress, she turns and kisses the palm of my hand. I like that too.

I don’t think two years of sex with the same person would be able to keep my interest.But two years of this, I have no doubt that it will do a good job of never boring me.I really like our relation like that.

There is a moment of silence between us, and I swear I hear Antonella’s eyes echo those words, but her lips never say.Maybe she’ll talk when I’m asleep. — I laugh at my silent joke, and my wife raises her eyebrows in a mute question that I deliberately ignore.

“Why took her so long to sleep?” I change the subject, not giving her the pleasure of my acknowledgment or explanation. Antonella narrows her eyes.

“She’s looking forward to tomorrow...” Fits her face around my neck, so despite the proximity, her next words come out muffled. “The first ballet class...”

“Oh, yeah...” Isabella has told me about this a million times in the last few days.Antonella enrolled her in a children’s class a few weeks ago, and she hasn’t spoken of anything else since, eager to get started. “She’s been registered for a while, hasn’t she? Why doesn’t it start until tomorrow?”

“The academy was forming a new class... The others were already full.” I frown, put my hand around Antonella’s neck, and gently turn her face in my direction.

“And why didn’t you hire a private teacher, Antonella?”

“Because the cost was much higher, the expected opening of the class was a maximum of one month… Wouldn’t make sense…” I raise an eyebrow “What?”

“Really, Antonella? The cost?” I make no effort to hide my intolerance with the answer.She opens her mouth, but says nothing.She runs her tongue over her lips.

“It’s not because we have money at our disposal that we need to waste it, Marcos.”

“It’s not a waste! It would have spared the child from days of agony, Antonella! It’s not a waste!” Her expression closes, becoming angry, and I already want to smile.This woman can’t stand to be contradicted.

“And now you know more about what’s better for my daughter than I do?” she shoots.

“Who’s being the child with a temper tantrum now, huh?” She snorts. “Don’t hesitate, Antonella! If money can’t guarantee your comfort, then what good is it?” Her defensive posture relaxes in my arms, and she leaves a soft kiss on my lips.

“I think I’ll buy a yacht...” she says, unpretentious, and I laugh. “What? I’m just applying what you said...Comfort and stuff…”

“I thought you didn’t like boats...”

“I never said that. I said I don’t understand why people insist on depending on the wind when they can just use an engine! A yacht has an engine.”

“If you behave yourself, maybe one day I will show you that there are very good ways to use the wind in our favor when we are aboard a sailboat...” Her eyes widen, and she bites her lip when she understands the explicit second intentions in my words.

“Maybe the wind isn’t such a bad idea after all…” She licks my lips. “And why don’t you show me some very good ways to use the bed to our advantage?” I smile.


“Hi, Eliza. How are you?” I greet my friend’s wife who happens to also be his secretary.Thoughts about Antonella bent over my office desk assault my mind and I laugh, denying it, because something tells me she’d hate to play that role.

“Hi Marcos! Good to see you!” she says, but her attention is not mine but that of the screen lit in front of her. “João is already waiting for you... You may go inside!”

“Thank you.” I’m quick to say, not wanting to deconcentrate her.In a few steps I am passing through the door of João Pedro’s office.Contrary to what I imagined; I don’t find him bogged down in work.The son of a bitch is sprawled in his own chair with an ear-to-ear smile, waiting for me, and I roll my eyes.

“Good afternoon...” I sit before the table; take out of my briefcase the papers I brought and place them in front of him.Then I reach for my phone in my pocket and open the notes app, finding the information I need.I’m ready to start talking, but he’s faster than me.

“You fucked her!” he accuses, and I take a deep breath.

“First, you might want to choose your words better,” I warn. “And second of all, that’s none of your business! Now, can we get to work?”

“Choose my words better?” He raises an eyebrow and a mocking smile makes its home in the corner of his mouth before he pouts his lower lip, and raises his hands in surrender, and shakes his head, agreeing. “But about it being none of my business” puts his hands down and shake his head to one side and the other “ooh, no! Definitely not! It’s none of my fucking business!You mean it’s my business to hear you cry because you’re going to have to get married, it’s my business to hear you cry because you have blue balls, but it’s none of my business when you get pussied?!I won’t fucking work until I know exactly what happened!”

“What, you want details now, João Pedro? You’re getting a taste for voyeurism[11], huh?”

“Fuck you, Marcos! I definitely don’t want those details! But you realize you didn’t deny it, right?”

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