Page 119 of For his Surrender

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“What are you doing here?” The surprise in her voice is evident, but so is the satisfaction.

“You didn’t think I’d miss the official performance after having had a million private rehearsals, did you?” Antonella chuckles and hugs me as I reach for her, already wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her forehead before leaving a soft kiss on her lips.

I can’t resist and I rest my forehead on hers, taking advantage of her presence.

“Marcos! It’s two o’clock in the afternoon!”

“Being the boss needs to have its advantages!” I smile before I leave another kiss on her mouth.

“I can’t believe you...” Her eyes close and my peripheral vision sees the man she was talking to move, uncomfortable. I like that. A lot.

“It’s rude to leave people talking to themselves, love,” I say, and Antonella’s eyes widen.She turns around immediately in my arms.

“Sorry! Carlos I’m sorry! Carlos, this is Marcos, my husband” she introduces me and, standing behind Antonella, I wrap one of my arms around her waist again and the other I extend to the asshole who practically devoured her lips with his eyes moments ago.

“Nice to meet you!” I say with my lips, but I don’t stop my gaze from saying many other things, starting withNot even in your dreams, motherfucker!

“You can’t be serious! There are only three days left! Three days to the birthday, you CAN’T just tell me it won’t be possible!” I’m practically screaming on the phone when the elevator rings announcing Marcos’ arrival.

Isabella is out with Grazi, who has already arrived for her birthday, next weekend, and took the opportunity to take her for a walk.They went to buy the birthday present and I was great, really relaxed.Everything that depended on me for the birthday had already been done.

Or rather, had already been hired. Those are the advantages of money, right?Wrong!While I was having fun/despairing thinking in what kind of nonsense Graziella would get me for the birthday present for my daughter, my phone rang and everything fell apart in the blink of an eye.

“I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation.I have invitations sent, I have forty kids ready for a party, I have a buffet, rec workers, decoration and cartoon characters hired to be in your space at nine o’clock next Saturday morning and, most importantly, I have an anxious three-year-old, waiting for that day as if it were the most important one in her life!”

I hear the mechanical response that woman gives me and anger and despair compete within me to know who grows the most.God!I take a deep breath, struggling to rationalize the situation, to seek a solution, because at this moment, this is what I need, a solution.

Proving to this woman her incompetence won’t put a smile on my daughter’s face.

“Mrs. Helena, thanks to your incompetence, I don’t have time to waste explaining your unprofessionalism. I’ll just remind you that we have a contract whose penalty period is already in place. Wait for my lawyer’s contact! Good night!” I hang up the phone, lower my head and put my hands to my face.God, what am I going to do? What am I going to do?

His scent hits me before anything else and I rest my forehead on his chest, already in front of me.Marcos wraps his arms around me and kisses my hair.I take a deep breath, but I’m still not ready to talk. Not yet.

The last month has been... God… I can’t even describe it. Definitely not what I expected when I said yes to Marcos’promotionproposal.

Without questioning, without doubting, without looking for ulterior motives in each of his actions, it is impossible not to feel admired by them.All my nights have been his, and I can’t help that during the day my thoughts are too.

It’s hard to hold them back when his smell, his touch, his smile, and his silly jokes refuse to be forgotten.There hasn’t been a night where we haven’t been together, and for each of them, I feel most anxious for the next one.

Sex is amazing, fantastic, the best, but what assaults my thoughts every spare second I have, what makes my heart beat faster every time it happens, what divides me in half between feeling more terrified than ever and just surrendering to the present without worrying about the future is this.

What he’s giving me right now is what makes me long for the moment of being in his arms.Intimacy. I never knew how good it felt not to be alone until I wasn’t anymore.Not like this.Not how Marcos makes me feel, even though I know I shouldn’t.

“I missed having lunch with you today...” He’s the one who breaks the silence and makes me smile with what he says.I missed it too, even though I had a pretty hectic lunch.

After I first called, our video calls during lunch time became a daily routine.When not distracted by a potential outing, Bella usually sleeps after eating, a habit from day-care times that I didn’t make any point of cutting because it’s good for both of us.

She gets a moment of calm and so do I.Until that day, just over three weeks ago, I used that time to have lunch alone.Now, it’s a shared moment with Marcos.We talk, or tease each other, or we end up both sweaty and totally messed up with cum. No matter what happens, it’s always too delicious, too intimate, and just like nights, every time it’s over, I’m already looking forward to the next one.

“I felt it too, but Graziella had lunch here and Isabella is very anxious for her birthday, lunch was crazy.” His lips kiss my forehead and I squeeze my arms even more around the muscular body.

“I thought so… I just wanted you to know, I missed you.” Smiling, I lift my head and kiss his mouth lightly.My heart suffers the already familiar tachycardia just from looking at him, and I suck his scent hard, letting it flood me and bring along with it a little calm.

His thumb brushes my cheek in a slow caress and I close my eyes, enjoying it.

“Was it about the birthday you were talking about on the phone?” he asks.

