Page 118 of For his Surrender

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“I have no idea.”

“Well, when you find out, I’ll be right here...”

“I know you will.” I smile, this time, though weakly, honestly. Grazi blinks a single eye at me before asking.

“And my goddaughter, how is she?” Now my smile is wide.

“Perfect as always. She can’t stop talking about the presentation she’s going to have at the academy!”

“Promise to make a video call so I can see everything?”

“Won’t you be working?”

“I’ll lock myself in the bathroom!”

“Hello!” I rest my elbows on the front desk and greet the woman with a tight ponytail and square glasses.She looks up at me and blinks a few times, as affected as I planned for her to be when I opened my best smile. “Good evening!” I take my eyes to the small metal plate attached to her sports top and read her name. “Jessica! How are you?”

The place frequented by Antonella and Isabella is in the neighborhood and I took only thirty minutes from Valente to here.Although I knew the place by sight, it is the first time I enter, and I am very pleased with what I see.

The place is well located, has adequate security and offers several convenient services such as massages, physiotherapeutic and nutritional monitoring, in addition to the different environment.

No wonder this is the kind of place I would go if I hadn’t set up my own rooftop gym.Antonella had no difficulty adapting to my standard of living. After all, she lived like that before.

The thought brings to my memory the clash I had with her father days ago.Unbelievable son of a bitch.I haven’t heard from him in the days that followed and, as far as I know, he’s back in Rio de Janeiro.For his own sake, I hope he’s still there.

“Good evening! I’m fine! And you sir? How may I help?” Jessica seems to remember that she needs to speak after a few seconds beyond what would be acceptable in silence and responds not only to my words, but to my smile as well.

“I’m fine, Jessica. Thanks for asking. I’m here for the kids’ ballet presentation.”

“Oh, sure!” she agrees, but she doesn’t quite disguise the surprise at why I’m there.” Which one of the students are you a guest of?”

“Isabella Rodrigues. I don’t think there’s an invitation registered in my name.I’m making a surprise.” I bow my head slightly to the side and let my smile drip to the corner of my lips. It’s a seductive smile whose only goal is to make a woman unable to say no to me.

Am I proud of it? Maybe a little, though I know I shouldn’t and that it’s pure hypocrisy on my part to have extolled the security scheme of the place ten seconds ago just to try to circumvent it now.But I’m trying to make a kid happy here, so that must be worth something, right?

Jessica blinks, slightly bewildered, and I know my goal has been achieved.How does Antonella say it?Unbearably beautiful when I smile, right?

“I see, sir. And what is your degree of kinship or affinity with the student?” she asks with attentive eyes.

“I’m the stepfather.”

“The stepfather, right.” Types a few words on her computer and click the mouse so many times before raising her face toward me again.

I spare not a bit in the second smile I give her, and Jessica pulls a deep inhalation, apparently forgetting what she was about to say.I raise an eyebrow; she bites her lower lip slightly and then lets out a discreet sigh.

“Ok, sir. This is not our standard procedure, but I will authorize your entry because Isabella’s mother is already inside.But it will be necessary that, when you find her, you ask her to call the reception here authorizing your stay in the presentation area.If you do not return and I do not receive the call within the next twenty minutes, I will need to request security intervention. Ok?”

“Alright!” I wink and the woman’s skin is a shade closer to the color of her hair that is red.

“Ok. I’m just going to need a photo ID” she asks smiling and I agree with that too, offering her my driver’s license.Five minutes later I pass the turnstile with a badge readingvisitorattached to my jacket.

Following the directions given by the receptionist, in five minutes I reach the glass door of the presentation area, which is nothing less than a small auditorium.A miniature theater.

There are a lot of women and a few men inside the room, but that doesn’t make it hard for me to find Antonella.In fact, my eyes are drawn to her figure dressed in tight workout clothes pretty much the moment I walk through the door.

Near the stage,Ellais standing next to the front row of armchairs, talking to a tall, uniformed man.The door I entered through is at the back of the theater, and as I overcome the distance separating me from the front of the space, I frown as I notice the way the employee’s eyes, which I imagine to be one of the gym’s coaches, are constantly distracted by my wife’s lips. Fucking hell!

I hasten the steps immediately and am ready to wrap Antonella in my arms without even announcing my presence before, when she turns in my direction with that fucking beautiful smile.It is impossible not to smile too because the whole world has been forgotten.There’s nothing but Antonella in front of me, and she deserves my best smiles.

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