Page 28 of Bossy Mess

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Marty sighed. “The papers aren’t signed yet. You’re still technically Mrs. Dyer and we’re still technically married.”

Wesley ignored her. “Ms. Chapman, can I ask you and Mr. Dyer to step on the other side of the door. This is extremely uncomfortable for me.”

“So, you can leave out the window?” Marty asked. “Nuh-uh. This is our house and we’re not doing you any favors until you tell us what’s going on.”

Wesley let out a deep breath of acceptance. “I saw your house was flooding on TV, so I loaded my truck up and put out the sandbags, as you saw, in the front.”

“So, you were the one who did that?” Marty asked.

“Yes,” he said, “and with the flooding getting worse, I didn’t want to chance driving back home through it. My clothing was wet, and I didn’t want to get sick, so I threw them in the dryer.”

“Oh my God,” Rebecca said. “What happened to the bed?”

“It was like that when I got here,” Wesley said quickly. “The furniture these staging companies provide isn’t always the sturdiest you can buy.”

“At the risk of sounding like a mama bear,” Rebecca said, “somebody’s been sleeping in my bed.”

“Yes,” Wesley said, “to warm up. Now that I’ve explained myself, I think it’d be best if you left me to tend the house and you can go back to where you’re staying, knowing your home is in good hands.”

The buzzer of the dryer went off.

“Let me grab those for you,” Marty said.

“It’s quite all right,” Wesley said, “I can take care of them myself.”

“Leave him alone, Marty,” Rebecca said. “Come here and help me make the bed.”

My heart jumped up into my throat.

“No!” Wesley said. “Let me handle everything. Please, just let me do my job. There are, umm, insurance reasons why you can’t touch the bed. So long as you didn’t touch it, you couldn’t have been the ones responsible for breaking it, right?”

I was impressed by how quickly Wesley was coming up with answers to their questions and ways of getting them out of the house. If I had been the one up there, I would have been frozen in headlights and might very well have just ran out of the house or something.

And what’s more, he did this all while standing there completely naked.

“Hmm,” Rebecca said.

Maybe that’s what was helping him. I could hear from her voice that she was — understandably — distracted. And her being distracted was serving as a distraction for Marty.

Meanwhile, Wesley continued his banter, so comfortable that I couldn’t help but imagine him in his standard suit and tie, just like he was on a normal house call.

“Much of this job, what we do in real estate, is prevent you from making mistakes that you might not have realized. If you go home, we can say you were never here, and all the damage can be covered under our company’s insurance instead of your home insurance.”

“We don’t want our premiums to go up,” Marty agreed.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous you two,” she said. “I can’t stand to see an unmade bed. This’ll take me two seconds.”

She came towards the bed, and I was nervous. Very nervous. So nervous in fact that…


Oh no, I thought.

“What was that?” Marty asked.

“Old pipes,” Wesley told him. “Sometimes during a storm like this they can make some pretty odd noises. In fact—”


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