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It’d been forty minutes.

It took him eight at most to get to his office from my house. Three to park and get inside, and even less to turn on his computer.

I should’ve been able to see him online by now, but there was nothing.

“Are you even listening to us?” Tim asked, sounding amused.

“Yes,” I grumbled as I switched from my phone to my computer without looking up. “I just have a really bad feeling.”

“Why?” Ant asked.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “It’s just this gut feeling…like I need to check something.”

That feeling had been growing in my chest since Kobe had left. As if I’d failed some test and let him leave when I shouldn’t have.

I tapped my finger against the plastic casing of my computer and hummed while I waited for all of the cameras in Kobe’s office to come online.

While I was waiting for them to boot—Jesus Christ, I was going to have to get better internet out here—I went to Kobe’s alarm app to see if he’d turned it off yet.

He hadn’t.

Had he stopped for something to eat? Had he had bike trouble?

The knot in my stomach grew tighter and tighter with each second it took for my cameras to load.

But eventually, they did, and not a single one of them inside showed that he’d arrived.

I flipped to the outside feed and was saddened to find that his bike wasn’t in its usual spot, either.

What the fuck?

Had he not gone back to his office straight from my house? That wasn’t like him to stop.

Unless he needed gas…

I switched to the feed for the lone gas station in Accident and found a bike there, but it didn’t belong to Kobe. It belonged to Bain, another member of the MC.

Feeling the need to call and check on Kobe, becoming like a living, breathing fire inside of me, I hacked into Kobe’s cell phone and looked up his last known location while simultaneously dialing Bain.

Just as Bain answered, Kobe’s location popped up, showing him at his office. But not inside, outside. Near the dumpster.

“What…” Bain paused. “Is this Folsom?”

“Yes,” I swallowed hard as bile started to rise in my throat. “You’re near Kobe’s office. Will you go check on him?”

The slight shrillness in my voice must’ve let him know how scared I was because he said, “I’m two minutes away, max.”

He hung up, and I paced, waiting for him to call me back.

The longer it took for him to call me back, the more I realized that I just had to go see for myself.

I had my shoes on and was walking out the door without thought to my brothers, watching me freak out, when I heard a motorcycle pull up outside.

Etienne, yet another member of the Gator Bait MC, pulled over and got off his bike.

I saw his eyes and knew.

Something had happened to Kobe.
