Page 24 of Sanctuary

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“Are Nova and Ryan in town?”I asked, knowing I’d missed a lot since I’d been taking care of Nishia.

“You didn’t hear?”she asked with surprise.“I’m doing an internship with Barker & Reid Construction.I need it to graduate, and it has to be with a company that isn’t family-owned.I’ve been here for a little over a week now.”

I cocked a brow at her, and she snickered.

“Technically, Barker & Reid isn’t a company that is attached to my family.Nova isn’t related to them by blood, so no one can cry nepotism.”She nodded toward Elias, who was bent over, taking his shot, but from the tension in my MC brother’s shoulders, I could tell he was listening to our conversation while trying to pretend he wasn’t interested.“My new boss decided to take me out for a drink after work, and now he’s trying to impress me with his mad skills.”

“Mmm,” I grunted and watched as Elias scratched.My gaze went to his dad, who was already chuckling at his youngest son’s mistake.

“You tired, kid?”Tanner called over.

“It’s too fucking loud in here.Jack needs to kick some of these assholes out before Hannigans’ gets fined and shut down.”

“Maybe he should show you to the door,” Samara taunted.“You’re either drunk or not nearly as good as you claimed to be all day.”

“Is that how you talk to your boss, Sammy?”he asked with narrowed blue eyes.

“You’re only my boss from nine to five, Monday through Friday.”She glanced at the smartwatch on her wrist.“It is currently eleven thirty on a Friday night.You’re not my boss at the moment, dipshit.You’re just the drunk biker who can’t hit the white ball.”

“You’re awfully mouthy, little girl,” Elias grumbled as he stepped up beside her.

Tossing her long, glossy black hair over her shoulder, she tipped her head back and rolled her blue eyes at him.“As my boss, you shouldn’t be concerned about my mouth.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned down until his nose was almost touching her cheek.“I’m only your boss between the hours of nine and five.”

Her nostrils flared, and she pushed against his chest.“I’m sure that rough, deep voice gets every other woman’s panties wet, but you forget that I know how you work, Elias Reid.I have standards, and you are miles beneath them.”

Elias’s eyes flashed white-blue flames, but I couldn’t tell if it was with anger or hunger.Deciding I wasn’t interested either way, I gave Samara another hug and then walked away.I spotted a group of sketchy frat boys fucking around, making the sorority girls who had been ordering drinks at the bar earlier uncomfortable.

Stomping over to them, I grabbed two of the frat boys by the back of the shirt and jerked them around to face me.The other three in their group turned to see what was going on.

“Yeah?”the guy in the blue polo with his fraternity logo on it said as he squared up.Or tried to.He was under six feet tall, and I was a hell of a lot bigger.With his red cheeks and nose, bloodshot eyes, and the stench of cheap beer on his breath, he was too drunk to understand the danger he was in at the moment.

“The ladies don’t seem to want company,” I observed.“And it’s time for you and your entourage to head back to the frat house.”

“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to, limp dick?”his friend in a yellow polo with the same logo on it demanded.“Do you know who he is?”

“I don’t care who I’m speaking with,” I replied, already bored with them, their bullshit, and the entire night.“Who your rich daddies are doesn’t mean shit to me.”

All I wanted was to be home so I could check on Nishia.But we didn’t close for another few hours and then there was cleanup to deal with, and I would need a shower.It wouldn’t be right to check on her that late.She would be asleep, and I didn’t want to disturb her.

Fuck, I wasn’t going to get to see her until breakfast, which meant I wouldn’t get much sleep.

Who was I kidding?I wouldn’t get any rest until I saw my little fairy again.

“Let’s go,” I instructed, stepping back and lifting an arm toward the front door, trying to remind myself this was work and I didn’t need to get into a fight unnecessarily with a college boy with daddy issues.“You’ve been cut off, and it’s time for you to go home.”

“Hey, hey, hey,” Blue Polo said, poking me in the chest.“I’m a paying customer.I’ll say when it’s time for us to leave.And we’re still having fun.We’ll go when we’re damned good and ready.”

I adjusted my cut and turned my head left and right to loosen up, knowing these idiots weren’t going to go peacefully.A dark voice in the back of my mind began to laugh.Maybe a little sparring wouldn’t be such a bad thing after all.I needed to release some frustration, and hurting these bastards seemed like the perfect way to blow off steam.

The five college boys surrounded me, and I pressed my lips into a hard line to keep from laughing.Vaguely, I noticed the noise volume in the bar had lowered, until the music that played through the sound system was the only thing I heard.

I glanced down at my cut and the white Hannigans’ Bar T-shirt beneath.Damn it, I should have worn my black work shirt, because I was going to get blood all over this one.

“Ahhhh!” Yellow Polo screamed as he fell forward, his left knee buckling.

Turning—like everyone else in the bar—I found Samara standing there with a broken pool stick in her hands.“He said, get the fuck out,” she said in a deceptively calm voice, but there was no missing the way she still held on to the two broken pieces of the pool stick like stakes to drive through the first person’s heart who charged at her.

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