Page 28 of Sanctuary

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“If she does anything to make you uncomfortable, I want to know.”He intertwined his fingers with mine.The heat of his palm pressed into my flesh made it impossible to fight sleep any longer.I could feel myself slowly fading.“I’ll talk to her.”

“No,” I mumbled, already half asleep.“I don’t like that she likes you so much.”

“She likes me?”

It was difficult, but I forced my eyes open to find him smiling at me.Not that damn ghost twitch he did, but he was back to full-on smiling.My heart felt at peace when I saw it.“I really don’t want you to like her too.”

“I don’t even know her name,” he whispered back.

“I’m glad.”

His fingers squeezed mine.“Good night, little fairy.”



I waiteda few minutes after Nishia’s breathing evened out before reluctantly releasing her hand so I could take her glasses off for her.Placing them on the nightstand, I mentally told myself to get up and return to my own room, but her bed was so comfortable, and it had the only thing I was missing in my apartment.


Stretching out beside her one more time, I turned on my side so I could watch her sleep.Being this close to her was peaceful.Simply watching her chest rise and fall was enough to push back the darkness that felt as if it was rotting my soul.I was exhausted inside and out, but being near this little fairy was enough to lift the weight from my body.

She shifted restlessly, and without thinking, I placed my hand in hers once again.Her fingers spread, and I slipped mine through hers.Almost instantly, she sighed and dropped back into a deep, restful sleep.Smiling, I watched her for a few more minutes until it was difficult to keep my eyes open…

My phone vibrating in my pocket jerked me awake.Frowning, I opened my eyes to find Nishia had shifted in her sleep.Or maybe I’d subconsciously pulled her close, but her head was pillowed on my arm, and I had her tucked against me.Lifting my head, I saw that her leg was still propped up on the pillows, but she’d twisted the rest of her body to mold against mine.

Without considering what I was doing, I pressed a kiss to the top of her head before fishing my phone from my pocket when it wouldn’t stop vibrating.

Seeing it was Ben, I mentally cursed.I was so damn comfortable, and I didn’t want to risk waking Nishia, but as early as it was, Ben wouldn’t have called me without a reason.Unable to stop myself, I kissed her forehead and then carefully extracted myself from her bed.

Once I was out in the hall with the apartment door closed behind me, I finally answered.“What is it?”

“Arizona State Police have two men in custody who might be of interest in Nishia Cohen’s case.They were driving a van similar in description to the one that was in the feed from the security cameras on Sanctuary’s gate.I’ve had a nationwide BOLO on the vehicle and possible occupants.”

I felt all the darkness and rage inside me pushing through the peace I’d experienced from sleeping beside Nishia all night, and I clenched my free hand into a fist.“What do the cops know about the men?”

“Other than their criminal records, the ASP doesn’t know shit about them.But their history speaks for itself.One recently got out of Sing Sing for abduction of a minor, sexual assault, and possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell.All those charges and he was only in for fifteen years, and he got out after five for good behavior.That is suspicious as fuck,” Ben grumbled.“The other guy has been in and out of the prison system for petty larceny, assault, and a few other domestic violence charges.He’s been out for two years, but his parole officer hasn’t been able to reach him in over a month.”

“Is there any way we can get them back to Creswell Springs?”

“Your friend Mieke was able to access CCTV feeds that prove the van they were driving is the one that dropped Nishia at Sanctuary.But unless we can get some solid proof these two were the ones responsible for the condition she was in, then there isn’t much to justify getting them extradited back here.”

“Fuck,” I muttered, wanting to punch something.

“Hypothetically, if they were released and someone was there to escort the bastards back this way of their own volition, I could find a reason to arrest them.Hypothetically, if they made bail and someone was there to greet them when they stepped outside, and they never made it back for their court date, I don’t think anyone would question it too hard.At least not in Arizona.Their POs might have a few questions, but they are overworked and underfunded.Hypothetically, no one would come looking for them to place them back in the system.”

“Where exactly in Arizona are they being held?”

“Your friend Mieke has already sent you the details,” Ben informed me.“This is as far as our conversation goes on this subject, Jack.I’ll up patrols around Sanctuary for the next few days.”

He hung up before I could, but I was already pulling up Max’s contact in my call history.

“Morning, cuz,” he said with a yawn.“Heard there was some fun at Hannigans’ last night.I’m almost sorry I missed it.”

“I need a favor,” I said without preamble.

There was a brief pause on his end before he grunted.“Yeah, cuz.You know I have your back.How long will we be gone?”
