Page 29 of Sanctuary

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“A few days, maybe longer.We’re going to need to fly, though.”

“Fuck.Yeah, fine.I’m still down for whatever you need help with.”

“Thanks, brother.I’ll let my dad know what’s up, and I’ll get the tickets.I need to make a few more calls before we leave, but be ready to go by this afternoon.”

“This have anything to do with that girl who got dropped at Sanctuary?”

“I’ll let you know the flight time,” I told him instead of answering and ended the call.

My next call was to Mieke, but I didn’t want anyone to overhear what I told her, so I went down to my apartment.Twenty minutes later, I had two seats booked and was packing my bag while I spoke to my dad.

“We’ve got some friends that way,” Dad told me.“I’ll give them a call and let them know you and Max will be in town.You need anything, you let them know.Stay safe, son.But do whatever it is you feel needs doing.I’ll cover security at Sanctuary and make sure your Nishia is safe.”

I stood up straighter at him calling Nishia mine.Fuck, I liked that too damn much.

“I have to go, Dad,” I muttered.

“Don’t get yourself dead, boy,” he grumbled.“And if you get arrested, remember you have the best defense attorney in the state.”

“Yeah, I love you too, Dad.”

Pocketing my phone, I picked up my bag and walked upstairs.Leaving the piece of luggage by the front door, I went back to Nishia’s apartment and knocked.Instead of hearing her tell me to come in, I stepped back as someone opened the door.

“Jack!”The nurse from the day before greeted me with a huge grin on her face.“I thought you would still be in bed at this hour.”

“Is Nishia awake?”I asked, stepping forward and forcing her to move aside so I could enter the apartment.

“Yes, I was just bringing her morning medications.”

I could see the bed from the entrance and saw that Nishia was sitting up on the edge.Still dressed in the pajamas she’d had on when I’d arrived after work and her hair adorably tousled, she looked half asleep, but her brows were furrowed, and she looked up at me with a glimmer in her blue eyes I didn’t understand.

“Hi,” she mumbled through her wired jaw and shifted her gaze to the other side of the bed where I’d slept.Quickly, she averted her eyes to the pillows and then the nightstand with the clock on it.

Behind me, the nurse stopped at my side, and I shifted away from her, not liking her to be so close.Frowning down at the woman in bright scrubs, I nodded toward the door.“If you’re finished with the meds, you should check on the other residents who need medical assistance.”

Her smile dimmed.“Oh, I was on my way out.Do you need anything?”

“I’m not a patient,” I reminded her.“You shouldn’t concern yourself with me.”

“R-right,” she stuttered.“Well, I’ll see you later, then.Nishia, if you need anything, let me or one of the other nurses know.”

“Thanks,” Nishia whispered, watching the other woman leave.

After the door closed behind her, I crossed to where Nishia was sitting and crouched down in front of her.Taking her uninjured hand, I used my other hand to tilt her head so she had to meet my gaze.“I have to go away for a few days.”

Her eyes widened behind her glasses.“Why?”

“Something came up, and I have to take care of it personally.”I didn’t want to lie to her, but I didn’t want her to be upset, thinking about the men who had hurt her either.“I’m not sure when I’ll be back, but I want you to know that you’ll be safe while I’m gone.My dad will be staying here, maybe one or two of my MC brothers if he’s needed elsewhere.My mom will be by every day.If there is anything you need, just tell one of my parents or Marcy.They can reach me—”

“I’m going to miss you,” she whispered, pulling back so I was no longer touching her face.

“Not nearly as much as I’ll miss you, little fairy,” I confessed.“I have a surprise coming for you today.I wish I could be here to give it to you myself, but either Marcy or my mom will bring it to you instead.”

“I don’t want a gift.”Her fingers squeezed mine.“I just want you to be safe.”

“I promise I won’t do anything that could risk me not coming back to you,” I vowed.“You just rest and concentrate on getting stronger.When I get back—”

“Swear you’re coming back.”Her blue eyes looked like sapphires behind her glasses.Tears filled them, but she blinked them back.“Swear you’ll come back…to me.”
