Page 32 of Sanctuary

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“Nice of Reaper to supply us with some gear,” Max commented as he nudged the duffel bag full of toys at his feet.We’d both already checked out all the fun items in there, made sure they were safe to play with if needed in an emergency.“I think he was pissed we didn’t invite him to tag along.”

“Reaper is scarier than the both of us combined.He would draw too much attention while we were waiting.”

Max snorted out a laugh.“That bastard uses fear to run his club.Every brother in his MC is terrified of him.”

“Are you?”

My cousin snickered.“Are you?”

I braked for a red light, and the two of us shared an amused glance before I drove again.

“He wouldn’t last two minutes back in Creswell Springs,” Max mused.“Between Dad, Uncle Hawk, and Uncle Spider, they would eat him alive on day one.”

“Which is why Reaper is here in Arizona, and Angel’s Halo is in Northern California.”I hung back another car length when the driver of the SUV used his turn signal, to give myself more time so it didn’t look suspicious when I made the same turn.

But when it came time for the driver to make the turn, he didn’t and kept driving.Glad I hadn’t already flipped the signal myself, I tightened my hands around the steering wheel and told myself to stay patient.

“Fuck.You think he’s onto us, or is he playing games with our buddies in the back seat?”

“Mm,” I grunted, unsure of the answer.The driver hadn’t changed his speed and wasn’t glancing back often enough to check to see if I was following.Either he had another car following and communicating with him that I was tailing them, or he was fucking around with the two convicts.

I followed for another twenty minutes, the driver leading us farther out of the city and into the desert.Traffic thinned out, making it more difficult to make it appear as if I wasn’t tailing them.When the driver finally pulled into a beat-up-looking, hole-in-the-wall gas station/bar/restaurant that only had one other vehicle in the parking lot, I kept driving for a few minutes before turning around and going back.

The SUV was still in the lot, but when I drove past, it was obvious the vehicle was empty.

I parked on the side of the road a good hundred yards away before Max and I loaded up on the toys Reaper had supplied us with.Quietly, we got out of the truck and jogged toward the building.The gas pumps didn’t look as if they had been used any time in the last decade, the sign reading a price that hadn’t been that low in at least as long.I’d already noticed the lights didn’t appear to be on inside the restaurant part of the building.One window was boarded up, and I stopped there to listen.

A shout clearly rang out since there wasn’t any traffic to drown it out.I flipped the safety off on my Glock and heard Max rechecking his magazine behind me.Crouching down, I made for the door of the bar where the shout had come from.Slowly turning the knob, I used my foot to push the door open, while keeping the rest of my body back in case bullets started flying our way.

When there was no gunfire, I stuck my head in for a quick glance, to find the driver standing over a pool table with one of the convicts strapped to it.The two men looking at him on the table were so caught up in what they were doing, they didn’t notice when Max and I crept inside.

“You ratted to the cops, didn’t you, Julio?”the driver questioned as he stood at the end of the pool table with his back to the door.“That’s why they released you and Nestor without so much as setting bail.”

“N-no, Fanuco, no!I-I would never rat on Nestor or…or Morgan.”

“Liar!”the one I assumed was Nestor, the bastard with the scar across his nose and cheeks, shouted.He put his hands on the table, leaning down to get in the other man’s face.“You might not have had a wire on you when we got out earlier, Julio, but I bet the cops know everything.If Morgan finds out about this, we’re all dead.”

“I didn’t talk!”Julio yelled, struggling against the restraints holding his arms and legs to the table.“I’m not a fucking rat.If anyone told the cops what happened, it was you.You’re a little bitch when it comes to giving the pigs what they want to get yourself out of trouble.How else could you have gotten out of Sing Sing before your time was up?”

“Because Morgan knows people,” Nestor said with a chilling laugh.“And when he finds out you narced, he’s going to come for all of us.It’s better if I kill you now, my friend.We both know how unhinged Morgan is.He’ll skin you slowly.Scoop out your eyeballs.When he finds out you raped his daughter, he will dissect your balls from your body while you slowly choke to death on your own blood.”

“I didn’t touch her,” Julio challenged, lifting his head enough to glare straight into Nestor’s face.“That was all you, motherfucker.And we both know Clint Morgan doesn’t give two shits about his daughter.It doesn’t matter that I took my turn any more than he’d care that you defiled her first.We did exactly what he asked us to.She landed at those gates so fucked up, she’s probably dead by now.”

“My sources say she’s alive and back at Sanctuary,” the driver informed them.“The plan is going as predicted.Once she’s comfortable there, our person inside will fill her head full of everything we need her to know and arrange the connection to Morgan.She will be so thankful that her long-lost father is there to take care of her, give her the love and attention that her drug-addict whore mother never did, that she’ll do whatever Morgan wants.”

“Wow,” Max said loud enough for them to hear.“These idiots gave us what we needed without me even having to use any of my new toys.That’s disappointing.”

The two men on their feet jerked around at the first sound of his voice.But they had been so careless, they didn’t have a weapon within reach, not even their guns, which I’d noticed were on a table several feet from where they stood.They’d been so confident in their safety it was almost laughable.

“Who the fuck are you?”Nestor snarled.

“Your angel of death,” I told him calmly as I pointed my gun at his head and put two in his forehead.His brains exploded out of the back of his skull as he fell backward, his eyes still open, his mouth gaped in a soundless scream.

The driver, Fanuco, jumped toward the table with the guns, but Max fired two into his back, sending him to the floor without killing him.

“Don’t worry, cuz,” I told Max as I walked over to the pool table.“We’ll both get to have some fun with our friend Julio here.And his buddy too.”

From what Fanuco had already said, I had a leak inside Sanctuary feeding Clint Morgan information.Since it was just me, my dad, and a few of the MC brothers who worked security at the shelter when needed, then it was a woman, possibly one of our staff.Fuck, somewhere inside the safe haven my mother had built lurked a mole, ready and waiting to bring down the peace the women I protected had fought so hard for.
