Page 34 of Sanctuary

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“Am I in trouble?”the nurse asked in what sounded like a sulky tone to my ears.

“No, of course not,” the doctor said, her brows lifting again, suggesting I wasn’t the only one who heard the change in the other woman’s voice.“Nishia could be feeling unsafe with you simply because you subconsciously remind her of someone from her past.Or it could be an entirely different, yet plausible reason.For the moment, I’m going to ask you not to help in Nishia’s care unless absolutely necessary.”

“I’m just doing my job.”

“For now, that job doesn’t include Nishia in any way.”The doctor motioned toward the door.“Unless there is a medical emergency that requires your assistance, please keep your distance from Nishia.”

With a huff, Amy walked away.Once the door closed behind her, the doctor turned to look down at me.“I apologize for that.And I want to stress to you, if anyone makes you feel unsafe or uneasy, do not hesitate to speak up.Your trauma is very fresh, which means your ready-to-react response is always on.I’m proud of you for voicing your feelings regarding Amy.She’s a good nurse, I assure you, but she can be a bit much at times.I’m not dismissing your reaction to her, I just want to explain that sometimes being overwhelmed by another person’s energy can cause a trauma patient to react in different wants.Fear is definitely an emotion that can be triggered when anyone is overstimulated.”

I took that in but kept my lips pressed together until there was another knock on the door.Deborah was in the same bright scrubs that Amy wore, but that was the only similarity between the two nurses.Deborah appeared to be somewhere in her fifties, with liberally graying, pixie-styled hair.She was a beefy woman, taller than me, and definitely stronger.

Her voice was a little scratchy to my ears, and I wondered if she was a smoker.She kept her voice low as she made conversation with me on the way back to my apartment.Once I was settled, she gave me an injection for pain and then offered to bring me a protein shake for a late lunch.

“I’m not hungry, but thank you,” I told her.If my jaw weren’t wired shut, I would have yawned.I was so exhausted, I could barely keep my eyes open.

“Marcy will bring you something a little later, then.You need to keep up your strength.”

She didn’t linger, which I appreciated.The fact that she hadn’t talked nonstop about Jack was even more of a relief.Every time Amy and I were alone, all she talked about was Jack.

Thinking of him, I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my hoodie.Skimming my thumb over the little fairies on the back of the phone cover, I debated texting or calling him.I’d wanted to send him a message multiple times throughout the morning, but I’d been so busy—and nervous.

What if I texted and he didn’t reply?If I called, would he actually pick up?

My heart told me he wouldn’t let me down, that he would answer, regardless of how I communicated with him, but my brain kept telling me that there was no way he would be interested in anything I had to say.

Dropping the phone on the bed beside me, I gave in and let sleep pull me down.I just needed a little nap, and then I would text Jack when I woke up.



“Nishia?Nishia, honey?Nishia?”

It felt like I’d barely closed my eyes, and someone called my name.Groggily, I lifted my lashes to find Marcy standing beside my bed.“I’m sorry to intrude without you inviting me in,” she said with a grim smile.“But you didn’t answer when I tried to bring you a shake for lunch, and then when I came to ask about dinner, you didn’t answer when I knocked or called your name.I was concerned.”

With my good hand, I pushed my hair back from my face.“I… Ummm…” Still dazed, I glanced at the clock.“Wh…” Shaking my head in an attempt to clear it, I blinked at the other woman.“What time is it?”

“It’s still early.A little after five,” Marcy said with a frown as she reached out to touch my forehead.Instinctively, I flinched at the sudden contact, and she quickly dropped her hand.“Are you feeling well?”

“I’m…” Confused, I tried to focus.“I don’t know?”

“Let me call Deborah,” she muttered, but I couldn’t tell if she was speaking to me or herself.Vaguely, I saw her lift her cell phone to her ear, but when she spoke, the words barely made sense.“Nishia, hey.”Marcy snapped her fingers in front of my face, and I flinched again.“Don’t fall back to sleep, okay?I can’t reach Deborah.I’m trying to get hold of Tammy.Dr.Cainfield told all the staff not to let Amy near you for now.”

I touched my hands to my head.“Everything is spinning,” I complained through my teeth.“I feel sick.”

Don’t puke.Do not puke.

A reasonable voice in the back of my head tried to warn me, but I couldn’t remember why that was a bad idea, and it wasn’t exactly like I could stop the gag reflex once it was engaged.Moaning, I laid my head on the pillow, hoping the spinning and the nausea would ease.“Where’s Jack?”I whined.“I want Jack.”

Marcy stroked her hand over my brow and I tried not to flinch, but I couldn’t help it.“Jack had to leave for a few days.Remember?”

“No.I want Jack.”I pulled my legs toward my middle in an attempt to curl into a ball, but my limbs felt heavy.A part of my brain was aware of the cast on one leg, but I didn’t understand why both felt like they were weighted down with cement.

“What’s wrong?”a voice I recognized asked, the concerned tone causing me to shift my gaze, but I didn’t have my glasses on, and I could barely make out the person who stood beside the cook.“Nishia, sweetheart, are you ill?”

“Gracie, I tried to bring her a shake for lunch earlier and then again at dinner.She didn’t answer either time, but I wanted to make sure she had something in her stomach,” Marcy explained.“She still didn’t answer and I was worried, so I intruded.I know that was wrong, but I didn’t think Jack would be happy if Nishia went without any nutrients for so long.She was hard to rouse, and then she was confused when she did wake up.Now, she’s dizzy and nauseated.”

“Get Deborah up here,” Gracie said in a soothing yet commanding voice.
