Page 44 of Sanctuary

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“I didn’t know that.”

“Their law department is a huge deal,” she affirmed.“Gracie sits on a committee or two for it.According to Max, most of the money her grandfather left her was put into scholarships for Sanctuary.”

I tried not to let my eyes widen in surprise, but that was impossible.Every day, I found out something new about Jack or his family that made me realize he was way too good for me.To afford the mansion and land for Sanctuary, as well as the reconstruction into apartments and the surrounding cabins, not to mention the state-of-the-art security system and the wall of fences that surrounded the property, his family had to be loaded.Sure, there were plenty of sponsors who now donated to the shelter, but to even get started, Gracie had to have had some major cash on hand.

Rich people made me uncomfortable as fuck.I had plenty of reasons to avoid them, but Jack and his family didn’t act like the loaded assholes I was used to.Which was why it surprised me so much every time I learned something new that suggested how much money his family had.

“Just think about Trinity,” Delaney urged.“And don’t worry about our shopping trip.I know, I know.You want to be independent, but from experience, I can tell you that your man isn’t going to let you pay for anything.”

“My man?”I repeated, feeling my heart give a little jump.

She rolled her eyes again.“Yeah, the growling asshole who follows you around twenty-four seven.Remember him?”

“Don’t call him that.He’s not an asshole.”

“But he is your man,” she teased.

“He’s my friend,” I corrected.“I’m sure he’s this way with anyone who comes to Sanctuary lost and broken.”

Her brows lifted.“Who told you that?”


My friend scoffed.“That bitch was so obsessed, of course she tried to warn you off.Any idiot with eyes can see plain as day that Jack is gone for you, Nishia.”

That warm feeling in the center of my chest spread outward, heating my body.

“And just to be clear, Jack doesn’t get involved with the residents here.He would give his life protecting this place, and everyone within these walls, but he’s too reserved to do more than be the troll in the basement.”

I made an angry sound in the back of my throat.“Stop calling him names.Asshole.Troll.Does he look like a troll, Delaney?No.Jack is a beautiful, gentle bear.”

Her eyes glittered at me as she tilted her head in consideration.“You’re just as gone for him as he is for you.”

I had no reason to argue.I was beyond gone for Jack Hannigan.But she sounded so damn sure that Jack felt the same way that I ached for it to be true.



“Delaney toldme about the scholarship program Sanctuary has,” Nishia said when I climbed into bed beside her.

After a long day, a trip to the doctor with Nishia to change her casts, and then getting a call from Mieke that hadn’t turned up much of anything—something I wasn’t sure if I was thankful for or more suspicious of—I was ready for bed.All I wanted was to pull her head to my chest and watch her sleep for a few hours before I closed my own eyes.

“Yeah, it’s helped out a lot of residents.Many of them end up getting jobs all over the country.We get them new identities and help set them up with housing so they can get settled for work.”I adjusted my pillow and turned on my side so I was facing her.“Not everyone leaves Creswell Springs, but the majority of them do because this place is small and there aren’t enough jobs.”

“I was taking my core classes back in New York.I really want to start over next semester.”

Reaching out, I tucked a few locks of hair behind her ear, letting my thumb linger to trace over her jaw.“Sure, baby.I’ll take you over to Trinity whenever you’re ready and get you taken care of.”

“Is it that easy?”She frowned.“Really?I just sign up for the scholarship, and I get it?”

My brows lifted.“Okay, one, yes.It’s available to any resident here.That’s the only criteria needed.But two, you don’t need that scholarship or any other.I’ll take care of your tuition.”

“No, Jack.”She crossed her arms over her chest, and I couldn’t help smiling down at her pretty pink cast that already had a Molly masterpiece and a handful of signatures on it.“I already owe you so much.No way am I letting you pay for college as well.I had scholarships back in New York.I worked hard for them, too.I can do this on my own.I just… I need the scholarships.I can get a job after these casts come off and my jaw is better.Delaney said there is a diner in town.I waitressed while I was going to school.As long as I can arrange my schedule—”

“Calm down for a minute,” I interrupted, getting more agitated by the second.Every word out of her mouth made me twitchy.“I have no problem with you going to college.I’ll support whatever you want to do.But I don’t want you worrying about a job or scholarships or anything else that could possibly make you anxious.”

“I need a job, Jack.Delaney said the scholarship only covers classes and books.I have to have money.”

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