Page 50 of Sanctuary

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Angry—at him, myself, the fucking world—I pushed my hand against his chest and tried to shove him back.Of course he didn’t budge.“What relationship?”I demanded, my voice rising, catching other people’s attention, whereas his had been low, for my ears only.“We don’t—”

“Do not finish that fucking sentence,” he growled, pushing me a little harder against the bar top.His nostrils flared, his breathing increasing and causing his chest to practically heave and brush over my breasts with each exhale.He was so close, and all I could think about was how sexy he was when he was angry.“You’re driving me crazy right now.We are together.I’m your man, and you sure as hell are my woman.”

“Jack—” I whimpered, pressing my thighs together as an ache bloomed low in my belly.

A high-pitched scream made me jerk, and I grabbed Jack’s leather cut, holding on for dear life while glancing around for danger.His huge arms wrapped around me, tucking my head against his chest.“Shh,” he soothed.“I’ve got you.It’s just Delaney and Sammy kicking ass.”

Turning my head so I could see what he was talking about, I saw my best friend had the blond girl by the hair, and Samara was standing with her hands on her hips, staring down at the floor.I couldn’t see the other two girls because of the bar top, but I could picture them lying on the floor.

Hawk, Jack’s dad, pushed through the crowd that had gathered around everyone, and Max lifted Delaney away from the blonde, untangling her hands from the girl’s hair.I didn’t know what the blonde had said, but the rage on Delaney’s face was enough to tell me it hadn’t been nice.

Seeing for myself that there was no reason to be afraid, I relaxed.Turning my face into Jack’s chest, I inhaled slowly, trying to get my heart rate to calm down.I didn’t react like that often, but sudden screams could leave me trembling.Dr.Cainfield was helping me with breathing exercises, but so far, the only thing to help was having Jack hold me.

Sucking in a shuddery breath, I let his scent fill my nose and focused on the weight of his arms, the heat of his body.His hand left the back of my head, and he stroked down my back before grasping my hip and squeezing.“I’ve got you, little fairy.And I’m not fucking letting go.”

I tangled my fingers in his cut.

His lips brushed over the shell of my ear, and I leaned into his kiss.“You still want me to kiss you?”

Licking my lips, I gave a tiny nod.There was no use denying it.I wanted to feel his mouth on mine more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life.

“Our first kiss won’t be in the middle of a crowded bar.That’s ours, baby.No one else gets to see it.”He flexed his fingers on my hip.“You’re going to go home, climb into our bed, and wait up for me.I’m going to take my time.Kiss you slow and easy, taste all your secrets.”

Goose bumps popped up along my entire body, and I couldn’t help but shiver.His voice held so many promises, and I found myself melting against him, practically rubbing against him like a kitten begging for attention.

“But I don’t want to go home yet,” I mumbled.“I want to stay here and watch you work.”

“Baby, I won’t get any work done if you’re close enough to touch.And I’ll end up kissing you in front of all these assholes who don’t deserve to hear what you sound like when you feel good.I’d have to kill every motherfucker in this bar, and then I’d have to burn the place to the ground, because I can’t hide that many bodies.At least not in one night.”

A small smile teased my lips.“That’s a bit dramatic.”

“You don’t think I’d kill someone over you?”I shrugged, and he tipped my head back again.“I would without hesitation.”

The truth was there in his green eyes for me to see.There was no hiding it, and I didn’t even pretend not to understand what I saw.It was so intense that maybe it should have scared the hell out of me, but it only made me smile.“Okay.”

His nostrils flared again.“Home.Now.Before I do more than just kiss you.”

“Fine,” I found myself sassing with a roll of my eyes.

“And remember that you are the one in control of how fast or slow we move.From now on, you want me to kiss you, you speak the fuck up.You want more, you tell me.If at any time, you feel like it’s too much, too fast, I don’t care what we’re doing, you speak the words.Clear?”


Arm still around me, he took a half step back.Eyes glued to my face, he called out, “Elias, take Nishia home for me.”

“Sure, man.I was just leaving anyway.”

Reluctantly, I turned my head to see Elias had Samara’s hand gripped tightly in one of his.

“I drove myself, dumbass,” Samara bit out.

“We will pick your car up tomorrow,” he growled, his voice leaving no room for debate.

“I’m hungry,” she complained.“I was going to stop by Aggie’s for takeout.”

“Sammy!”he snapped, sounding like he was at the end of his rope.“I’ll fucking feed you.Let’s go.”

I clutched at Jack’s cut, not wanting to leave him.I liked all of his family, Elias and his brother Reid included, but I only fully trusted Jack.
