Page 78 of Sanctuary

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“You telling me you’re squeamish over offing a woman, Morgan?”the cold-voiced minion scoffed.“Didn’t you give your baby mama fentanyl-laced heroin?”

“She went the way she wanted to go.”I couldn’t help sucking in a ragged breath at how callous he sounded.“Faye already served her purpose.All I needed was for her to get that girl to adulthood, and then I was able to put my plan into action.But no, she derailed everything.Had to go and fall for a fucking Hannigan.I bet his mother was behind this.That cunt has always tried to fuck me over.”

I nearly opened my mouth to scream at him that he was delusional, but I quickly pressed my lips together before I gave myself away.I didn’t want either man to know I was awake, but I didn’t like him talking about Gracie like that.She hadn’t even known he existed until recently, so how could she attempt to fuck him over in any way?

“I could have already had Nishia on my side if your men hadn’t been so incompetent.Not a brain cell to share between any of you idiots.”From the creaking of the floorboards, I could picture him pacing while he raged out.“Hannigan killed them all, and now we have to do this on our own?”

Jack killed the men who’d taken me?

Of course he did.I wasn’t even surprised.My beautiful bear wouldn’t have been so at ease if the ones who’d hurt me were still breathing.A part of me already knew that.It was why I was able to sleep so peacefully tucked into his side at night.

Oh God, he must have been losing his mind.

I needed to get out of here and back to him.

“We?Seems like I’m the only one who is doing any work around here, Morgan.All you do is sit around and run your dick-sucker like you own the world.Yet you don’t have two cents to rub together.Why am I still working for your broke ass?”

“I have money,” Dad argued.“As soon as Nishia transfers it over to me, I’ll have my family’s legacy back.”

“Right,” his minion muttered sarcastically.“Sure.Because she has access to those accounts.”

“Maybe not right this minute, but she will.I just have to convince her.”

“So you had me take the girl just so you could fucking ‘convince’ her?”The other man had a new edge to his voice all of a sudden that scared me more than Dad’s rage, but I didn’t know why.“You’re not going to ransom her?And you call me stupid?”

“It’s better this way.She’ll listen to me, and I’ll take everything from that whore.”

A pitiful whine came from beside me, and my eyes snapped open, struggling to see Samara.She rolled onto her back, her arms going over her head.

“I thought you said she was half dead?”Dad shouted at his minion.

“She was barely breathing when we got here.”

“Well, put a bullet in her head.I’m in no mood to deal with all that moaning and groaning.”

“Wh-where am I?”Samara rolled her head back and forth.“Nishia?Oh God!”

Tears were already spilling down my face when heavy footsteps came closer.“S-Sammy.”I reached a hand toward her.“I-I’m sorry.”

“Don’t get blood all over the place either,” Dad called from across the room.“I have to live here until that money is in my account, and I don’t want to have to clean up brains and spatter everywhere.”

“Fine,” the minion huffed.

Sobbing, I watched him put a gun to the center of Samara’s forehead.“N-no, please.Don’t—”

The man’s body fell to the floor with a loud thunk.I screamed and tried to move backward, masking the sound of his gasp for air while he clutched at what appeared to be a handle sticking out of his throat, blood gushing out of the wound like a geyser.I heard a terrifying gurgling sound.He coughed, blood spilling out of his mouth.

He was…drowning.

Everything around me was a blur, yet he was close enough that I could make out the fear in the man’s eyes as he struggled in vain to get another breath of oxygen while scratching at the handle, trying to pull it free.

“What the…?How did you…?”Dad’s sputtering thankfully drew my gaze away from the dying man.

Samara was on her feet, swaying slightly, her chest heaving from exertion, one arm lifted, holding the gun that the minion had had pressed against her head only moments before.“The fuck are you?”she demanded, her words slightly slurred.

“How did you do that?”Dad cried, a mixture of fear and awe coating his voice.

She lifted her hand higher, pointing it at my father’s head.“I asked first.”

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