Page 10 of Beach Rules

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“Um, I don’t think that you would have been granted a refund for the classes that I missed,” Jude said. “I was asked to leave the class if I’m being one hundred percent honest here,” he said.

“You were asked to leave the fucking class?” Brooks repeated. “Why the hell would you be asked to leave the class?”

“Well, I kind of slept with the instructor and didn’t call her the next day, as promised. When I showed up for class the next week, she asked me to leave and never return,” Jude admitted.

“Fuck,” Colter growled. “You fucked the instructor and got kicked out of the class? What happened, was she bad in bed? Is that why you never called her again?”

“Hey,” Norah shouted. “Maybe he was the one who was shitty in bed and that’s why she asked him to leave the class. Have you thought about that?”

“I’m not bad in bed,” Jude defended. “She was pissed that I promised to call her the day after, and never did. End of story.” Savannah knew that there was probably more to the story than he was telling them, but she really didn’t have time for any of this. Her beach day was dwindling in front of her eyes. They were getting completely off track and that was about to change if she wanted to save her beach day.

“Can we get back to the topic at hand?” she asked. “I’d really love to get to the beach at some point today. Do we all agree to take turns cooking?” she asked.

“We still need to figure out what to do when it’s Jude’s turn to cook,” Brooks said. “Since he quit the cooking lessons Colter and I got him.”

“I did not quit,” Jude repeated. “I was asked to leave.”

“Can we please not start this again?” Savannah shouted over them. “Can someone help Jude when it’s his turn in the kitchen?” she asked.

“I’d be happy to,” Ginger offered.

“Great,” Savannah said, “when it’s your turn to cook, you will buy the ingredients for the meal and prepare it. We’ll make sure when we make up the chore chart that on the night you are cooking, you won’t have to clean up the kitchen. Is everyone good with that?” Everyone nodded their agreement, and Savannah finally felt like they were getting somewhere.

“Great, now can I finally go to the beach?” Norah asked. “I’m sure that as six grown adults, we can finish coming up with the rules as they are needed. I haven’t had so many rules thrust upon me since I was in grade school.”

“No one is thrusting rules on you, Norah,” Colter said, chuckling to himself like a second grader who just figured out what the word “Thrusting” meant.

“You are a child,” Norah mumbled. She stood from her spot on the sofa and left the great room to head back down to the bedroom that she shared with Colter, slamming the door behind herself for good measure.

“Well, I guess she can’t take a joke,” Colter grumbled. He stood and headed out to the back deck and laid down on a lounge chair, pulling his baseball cap down over his eyes.

“Those two are going to be fun to be around today,” Ginger said. “I’m going to get changed into my bathing suit. You coming with, Savannah?” she asked.

“I need to move my stuff into the room that Brooks and I have agreed to share, and then, I’ll change and meet you at the beach,” Savannah said.

“So, you broke down and agreed to stay in Brooks’ room with him then?” Ginger asked.

“It’s not his room, it’s both of our room and yes, I agreed to stay in our room with him,” Savannah corrected. For some reason, she just couldn’t let that one go. Saying that it was Brooks’ room really rubbed her the wrong way. She had every right to be in that room as he had.

“Yeah, she agreed to share the room when I told her that flipping a coin was an awful idea. I mean, no one wants to give up our summer here, and now, we don’t have to,” Brooks cut in.

“You didn’t convince me not to flip the coin, Brooks. I chose to be the bigger person and agree to share the house for the summer instead of making either of our groups leave and go home,” Savannah countered.

“Yeah, that’s how it happened. Sorry, Ginger, I must have had it all wrong in my head. You were definitely the bigger person in all this,” he grumbled. Now, he was just plain pissing her off. He obviously didn’t mean a word that he was saying.

Norah came running down the hallway to the great room. “Did you guys get a refund from the rental company?” she asked, holding out her cell phone for everyone to see her bank account information.

“You shouldn’t share that information with everyone,” Savannah said.

“Yeah, you don’t know if you can trust us not to steal your bank information and rob you blind,” Brooks mumbled under his breath.

“Ass,” Savannah countered.

“Guys, check your accounts. I got my payment returned in full,” she said. Everyone pulled out their cell phones and checked their bank accounts.

“I got nothing,” Colter said.

“Me either,” Jude agreed.
