Page 46 of My Biker

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“She wanted to know how you and I got together.”

“She gonna write a book about us?” I laughed.

“Maybe,” she shrugged.

“I guess you weren’t kidding when you said our meeting was like a romance novel.”

“It was.” She tipped her head back to me. “It is. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it hasn’t happened yet.”

“You mean like you find out I snore or you fart in your sleep?” I joked.

“I do not,” she insisted.

“Or that I’m just part of a harem of men you have?”

She glared at me. “Have you been looking at my books?”

“Well, I will say you have a book with three dudes and a chick on it, and I’m hoping you only read that shit, babe, and do not want to have that in your life, too.”

She grabbed my plate and tossed it on the floor. She twisted to straddle my waist and rested her hands on my shoulders. “That is called a reverse harem, and I do like them.”

I raised my eyebrow. Was this the shoe she was waiting to drop? Because if Sloane was about to tell me she wanted to add three dudes to this equation, we might run into a problem.

“But only on paper.”

I let out a breath and sagged. “Fucking hell, woman. I thought you were about to tell me you wanted a wiener sandwich or some shit.”

Sloane busted out laughing and shook her head. “Not at all, Aero. I’m good with a single hot dog.”

I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her neck. “You’re a fucking nut, babe.”

“Yeah, but I’m your nut.” She ran her fingers through my hair and pressed a kiss to the side of my head. “And you’re my biker.”

“The biker and the nut. You think that will be the name of your author's next book?”

“God,” Sloane laughed, “I hope not, because she won’t sell a single book. Or she’s going to get readers thinking she’s writing a whole new genre.”

“I don’t even want to know, Sloane,” I chuckled.

She closed the distance between us and pressed a kiss to my lips. “I’ll just keep reading my books and try not to scare you with them.”

“Babe, you can read all you want about blue aliens, cowboys, sword-crossing brothers, or that chick with a harem of men on your shelf, and when you get yourself all hot and bothered, I’ll be right here waiting for you.”

“No more B.O.B.?” she asked.

I closed my eyes. “Who?”

“Battery-operated boyfriend.”

“Fucking hell,” I growled. I rolled her onto her back and covered her with my body.

“I thought we were watching reality TV for research?” she squealed.

I blindly reached for the remote and pointed it at the TV. “The only research we are doing tonight is to see how long it takes to make you scream with B.O.B.”

“Aero,” she panted. “Are you sure you haven’t read a romance novel or two in your life?”

I shook my head and cupped her cheek. “Not once, babe. I just know how to treat you right. That’s all those romance novels sound like to me.”
