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It wasn’t deceitful to have all the possible weapons in her arsenal.

A small line of women waited for Master Bow’s services. Phillipa let out the breath she’d been holding ever since the gargoyle caught her eye. A lady with tanned skin, gorgeous curls, and a lavender gown gave her a warm smile. She looked to be about the same age as Phillipa, which was a relief. She had worried she might be the oldest one at the Ball. But it looked like she’d brought a chaperone, and Phillipa’s heart ached, missing Margaret terribly. Even though the excitement of Ainslee’s spell and the subsequent escape had been exhilarating, Margaret knew how to navigate such important social situations. She would have never let Phillipa arrive unprepared to be received.

“A bit overwhelming here, isn’t it?” the lady in purple said.

“Yes. It is.” It was on the tip of Phillipa’s tongue to tell the lady she’d just seen a monster. But that was the whole reason they were there. “I’m Phillipa.”

“Antonia.” She curtsied. “Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

“Have you spoken with any of the monsters yet?”

“Oh yes.” A blush rose in Antonia’s cheeks.

Phillipa brightened. “Are there any particular ones you’re hoping to see?”

Master Bow approached at that moment. “Oh, it’s so nice to see our ladies forming friendships. My staff is very busy tonight readying everyone for the Ball, you will both be the center of our attention as soon as possible. But I must say, you will both have monsters fighting over you tonight.”

Antonia’s eyes widened. “Fighting over us?”

“Are there monsters here who cause trouble?” Phillipa’s heart pounded. Of course, she knew there was a possibility that more monsters could be like the Wolven King. Awful. More concerned with themselves than the world around them. Angry and violent. In her mind, she’d thought the monsters who had earned an invite from Queen Charlotte herself would be refined, mannered. It was time to step out of this fantasy world into a reality that proved to be even more fantastic than she could ever imagine.

Antonia laughed. “I hear the rules are different here. Mostly, there are none.”

Her chaperone gave her a stern look.

Phillipa pressed her lips together to suppress a gasp. There was a possibility she hadn’t considered until now. “Was one of those monsters that you’ve seen the Wolven King?”

How that terrible beast could merit an invite to such a prestigious ball was beyond her.

“Don’t know about a king, but I’ve definitely seen a wolven,” Antonia said.

“Is he…” She had no idea what to ask. Like the monster would own up to terrorizing fae.

“I can confirm there is a wolven in attendance. I can also tell you that I made sure he was ready for the Ball myself, and that he is devastatingly handsome.” Master Bow gave the ladies a knowing smile before going back to work on another attendee.

Phillipa placed her hand over her necklace, and her heart thrummed against her chest. Would she know it was the Wolven King on sight? Would he boast about his terrible behavior to win his lady’s heart?

No matter what the monster did, there was a very real possibility that she could be coming face to face with her enemy in a matter of hours—and the plan of attack she’d hoped to cobble together during the course of her stay needed to solidify right this very instant.



Laughter rang through Broadstone Hall. The human ladies had arrived and were in high spirits for the Ball. The energy had changed in the massive house, from heavy and unsure to light and jubilant.

Phillipa was here.

He’d smoothed the fur on his head, put on his jacket, tied his cravat like he’d learned so many years ago as a human, and fumbled with the buttons on his breeches. But he couldn’t bring himself to open the door.

What would he do if he came face to face with his beloved? Master Bow had taught him how to dine and dance and refreshed his ability for small talk, but nothing could prepare him for this moment.

He grumbled at the knock on the door. An orc manservant stood on the other side. He’d hoped for Master Bow, but his attention would be divided now, and Wesley had satisfied the stylish man into thinking he was ready to reclaim his mate.

“Dinner will be served momentarily,” the orc said.

Wesley nodded. Ladies passed by in the hall, laughing and giving him a long glance. So unexpectedly forward! Something deep in his stomach stirred.

Not exactly hunger.
