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“Not yet, but…”

“I would like to claim the lady.” The wolven walked into the room. Relief flooded Phillipa’s body. He had never looked more handsome, more regal than he did at that moment. “For I have done so once already.”

Mother’s mouth dropped. “Who is this beast?”

“He’s Wesley, Mother.” She beamed at him. She was saved.

“Phillipa, you must be delusional. There is no way this beast is your husband.”

Wesley stepped forward. “I am—”

“Come.” Her mother grabbed her arm, without letting him finish. “I can’t listen to any more of this nonsense. Father Donnelly is waiting for us in the carriage, and we need to leave soon.”

Of course he was. He’d been behind every frustrating decision and declaration Mother had made since her husband had passed.

“You mean to commit me,” Phillipa cried. “I won’t go.”

Mother raised a brow. “You plan to defy the Queen?

“Mrs. Willoughby, I mean to claim her,” Wesley said, blue eyes sparkling and fixed on Phillipa.

“I’m sorry, wolf? Wolven? I’m not sure what you are, but you are not helping the lady’s case. Phillipa, come with me.”

Countess Stalbridge approached. “We’ll fix this, Phillipa. We will send a message to the Queen immediately.”

“By the time she gets it, the Ball will be over.” Phillipa’s life would be over. No, this could not be happening.

“I’m afraid so,” the countess said. “Trust that Her Majesty will make this right.”

“She already has.” Mother hooked her arm in hers, pulling her away from the dancefloor, ignoring the astonished murmurs of the others in attendance.

She turned to see Wesley, who stood like a statue, wishing he would do something.


But he had, and he’d been ignored. Interrupted. Dismissed.

Maybe she hadn’t fought hard enough for him.

“What about my things?” she cried. She didn’t care about the dresses, but couldn’t leave Ainslee behind without giving her an explanation. No one even knew she was here, except for the wolven. Perhaps she had a spell that could put a stop to this…

That spell you thought brought you back to Wesley mustn’t have worked after all if this is happening…

“You won’t need them, my dear. The sooner we forget about this unfortunate interlude, the better. Soon you’ll have a whole new life.”

That was exactly what she was afraid of.



Wesley howled the moment the front door to Broadstone Hall clicked closed.

He didn’t care that everyone was staring at him. He turned to Master Bow.

“You said I could claim her. She would be mine.”

Master Bow’s mouth opened, but for once, he did not know the right thing to say. “Wolven, I was certain if you walked in here looking dapper and handsome, you would for sure convince her mother to let her stay. That she would accept your claim. But I was wrong, and I offer my deepest apologies. How I wish this turned out differently.”
