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I nodded. “Before you go, I have one more question for you. You swore that you wouldn’t choose Bjorn. What made you change your mind? It’s a pretty drastic shift.”

“And it probably makes me look like I was in on the lawsuit thing.” Marissa sighed. “I had no plans of choosing him, but then this little voice in my head urged me to give him a chance. And as much as I tried to rationalize it, I wanted to find out what would happen if I did.”

“I think you made the right decision.” I had no idea if it would come back to bite us all in an uncomfortable place.

“I hope you’re right.” Marissa waved at the ladies and headed out.

I waited until Marissa left the room before I turned to Tina and Stephanie. “Okay, we need a rock-solid plan in place for this episode. I’m so glad theWerewivescrew is back with me because I have never needed you ladies more. First order of business is to make sure Suzanne doesn’t make herself more of a problem.”

“We’ve got your back,” Tina said. “But this is your show. What do you have in mind?”

The problem was, I had no idea. On paper, this episode should have been easy. But I didn’t dare make any plans until Marissa made her pick. “I’m wondering if we should sequester them, but then I feel like we’d lose the organic flow of the episode.”

“It might work,” Stephanie said. “Of course, we’re in the middle of ski season, so the chalet was packed before all these Hudaknocker groupies showed up. You do have that thing under lock and key, right?”

I tapped the cabinet behind the desk. “It’s safe. Only my inner circle knows its location.”

Stephanie was right—the logistics of keeping an eye on Marissa and Bjorn would be tricky. It wasn’t them that I was worried about. It was Team Suzanne looking for the scoop. “The chalet would be ideal, but ever sinceThe Real Werewives, the place has been packed. Getting a room for Hannah wasn’t easy. Ideally, we need a place that’s out of the way—that reporters can’t get to easily. And we need our security team to have carte blanche to make sure Suzanne stays off the premises. That’s complicated by the fact that Lars is in beast mode until he thaws out.”

The ladies cocked their heads in unison, giving me inquisitive looks.

“Anyone ever figure out what he is?” Tina asked.

“I have some ideas, but Lars has neither confirmed nor denied my suspicions. It’s not a bad idea, considering our history with other packs, to have someone in a remote post. Although I must say that technology is not his strong suit.” But the big, fuzzy question mark was the least of my concerns right now. “What if Marissa stays with me in my spare boudoir, and I’ll see if Hugo would be open to having Bjorn stay with him?”

Tina nodded. “It’s not a perfect solution, but it’s a solution.”

I clapped my hands together. “Okay, let’s share the good news with everyone. And I think we need to get date one underway ASAP.”

As long as Bjorn was still on board.

Stephanie nodded. “Agreed. Once they’re both settled, I’ll start talking to them to see what they have in mind.”

“I knew you ladies would know just what to do.” But there was a feeling in the pit of my stomach that wouldn’t go away. I turned to Tina. “Just in case, is Hannah ready to go?”



I wasn’t used to running away from a crisis. It was always better to face them head-on before they had a chance to fester. That gave me a chance to take control. But this was different.

Had I stayed atThe Mating GameHQ, I would’ve said something I couldn’t take back. I was afraid I already did.

Reporters followed me back to my house, shouting questions at me. They’d been tipped off about the lawsuit. No big surprise that Suzanne would useThe Mating Gameto her advantage. The question was, how much did Marissa know before it happened?

Hopefully, someone with a cooler head was asking her those questions.

The reporters got excited when they saw me come to the window, but I shut the shade and gave in to the urge to flip them off. I knew what I was getting into when Beebs asked me to be a part of the show—

Fuck, was Bibi in on this too?

No. She would never. Bibi was the most genuine shifter I’d ever met. It was one of the reasons this job meant so much to me.

I cracked open a beer, hoping I still had a job, and took a long sip before unfolding that lawsuit notice again. I was hoping I read it wrong, but it was just as bad the second time around.

The number they were looking for would keep nothing but tumbleweeds in my bank account for decades.

I could hire a lawyer. I’d been saving money in case the perfect piece of land came available for my pack. The last thing I wanted to spend it on was this bullshit lawsuit, which I knew Suzanne would drag out as long as possible. It was how she worked.

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