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“Please tell me you screwed Bjorn’s brains out,” Hannah said as she poured oat milk into her second cup of coffee. She’d been hanging out at Bibi’s house more often lately because she was climbing the walls at the chalet waiting for her episode.

“The opportunity was definitely there, but—”

She slammed her hand down on the table, making our coffee dance in our mugs. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Why not?”

“I was tempted.” Sweet moon, was I ever tempted. “Especially when he took his shirt off.”

“Stop.” Hannah slapped her palm down on the table again. “I asked you to make me understand why you didn’t do it.”

I laughed. “Because the last time things got hot and heavy between us, we had sex. I can’t let him think it’s the answer to everything if we’re going to have a real relationship. And I want to make sure…”Don’t incriminate yourself more than you already have.“What we have is more than a hot fling.”

“Okay, that’s a pretty boss babe move. Make him crazy with desire. He’ll be eating out of your hand.” Hannah took a sip of her coffee. “But on your next date, you better—”

“I’m not making any promises.” My phone lit up for approximately the hundredth time that morning. My mom. I kept swiping away the notifications. I was still high off Bjorn fumes and probably way too easily influenced to even read them. “Here’s the thing. He’s too perfect. There’s nothing wrong with him. Everyone’s at least got a quirk. And I’m afraid of what my mom will do if I really fall for him.”

“You can’t let your mother’s bad behavior keep you from claiming the love of your life. She’s a big girl, and she can sort out her own problems. She raised a powerful woman who’s completely in control of her own decisions.”

If only it were that easy. “She’s got everyone in town in a Hudaknocker frenzy. It’s not even supposed to affect humans. That’s how much she’s snowed them.”

“But you think it affected you.”

It did blast a giant hole in the Dildo of Destiny theory. “I was in extremely close proximity to it.”

“Or you’ve fallen for the sexy bear.” Hannah leaned back in her chair and grinned at me. “Admit it. Even if you won’t admit it to me, admit it to yourself. Just try it on for size. Do you have any idea how lucky you are? I’ve got some mom issues too. Mine thinks I’m ruining my life being here. But you know what? She made her choices, and I’ve made mine. I’m here to fall in crazy, stupid love. I hope you make some choices soon because there’s only so long I can sit in my room and read stories about the two of you fucking when youaren’t even fucking.”

I almost spit out my coffee. “Wait, you said you weren’t going to read them.”

“Girl, at this point, Bjorn is probably on the forums taking notes.”

I laughed. The bear didn’t need any help in that department. “Okay, I admit it. I’ve fallen for him, and it scares the daylights out of me.”

Hannah’s face lit up. “Excellent. The first step is admitting you have a thing for him. Now we’re in business.”

Bibi sauntered into the room. She was always awake way before I was, but it took some time to transform into a fairy dragmother. Today she wore a red catsuit, a platinum blonde wig with a ponytail that brushed the top of her butt, and black over-the-knee boots that must have made her seven feet tall.

“You look like a superhero,” I said.

She finished her sip of tea and flipped her ponytail over her shoulder. “I feel like one, and that might be just what we need to get through this day.”

“What happened?” I resisted scrambling for my phone. Those messages from Mom weren’t just casual conversation.

“Hugo will be here any moment. The prominent shifters in Sunset have requested a meeting with us. I’ll give you three guesses what it’s about, and the first two don’t count.”

I sighed. “The Hudaknocker.”

Bibi nodded.

Hannah looked between Bibi and me. “What’s going on?”

Hugo knocked on the door, and Bibi softened as she went to greet him.

If Hugo was here, that probably meant Bjorn was too. I could forgive my heart for fluttering at the thought.

I leaned across the table. “I decided to rehome the Dildo of Destiny to make sure it wasn’t screwing with my feelings for Bjorn,” I whispered.

Hannah brought her hands up to her mouth. “No wonder all hell has broken loose in town. Now everything makes sense.”
