Page 135 of Rogue Romeo

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I laugh to myself and glance around at the bouquets dotting the entire penthouse, totally overwhelmed by the outpouring of love.

It’s so utterly unexpected that I sink to my knees, gripping the letter and deed to my chest as tears overwhelm my entire body.

Once I’ve allowed my emotions to dominate me, I rise to stand with renewed purpose.

Ready to go back to our beginning.

* * *


“You sure she’s coming, pretty boy?”

I turn to Darcy with a wry smile. “I know my wife, Darce. She’ll be here.”

I grip the ballerina bouquet in my hand tightly as I take a quick glance at the bar clock. “She’ll be here.”

I repeat the words more for myself than for her before she moves off down the bar toward a silently waiting Bailey.

Bless him; when I’d rung in the early hours, he’d been ready and willing to help. He’d had no issue harassing a local florist at 5 a.m. and chasing the ballet studio owner along with my lawyer to ensure Rey’s sole ownership of her studio, all before she woke.

I take a quick glance around at him, and he shoots me an encouraging smile. “She’s coming.”

My nod is sharp, and I turn back to the door, heart on my damn sleeve as I send up a silent prayer of thanks for this beautiful family who’ve had our back since day one.

The door moves just then, and I stand to attention with a bright smile on my face, only to wilt as an unsuspecting Leonard saunters inside.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Leo. You’re woeful.”

My eyes follow Darcy as she moves swiftly across the pub to usher her brother behind the bar while he protests softly, “I had to get the car ready—”

“Shut it, eejit.” Darcy cuts him off with an eye roll. “She’ll be here any second.”

“Who’ll be here?”

I spin toward the door, my eyes landing on my Sunshine, who is lighting up the bar with all the radiance contained in her megawatt smile.

My breathing becomes labored as I take in her unparalleled beauty, her hands clasped uncertainly at her midriff.

“You came.”

My words are whispered on an exhalation, and her eyes spear mine. “Of course I came. Where else would I be, pretty boy?”

Without another word, I close the distance between us, unmindful of the family surrounding us, and I reach into the back pocket of my jeans to flourish a very important piece of paper.

“Sunshine.” Her eyes are wide and utterly beautiful as she holds my gaze.

“We began on a lie. Right here. In this place. I told you I couldn’t dance. I told you I was near perfect when I’m absolutely fucked up…and yet you claim to love me.Flaws and all.”

My eyes hold hers as I pour every ounce of emotion into my next words. “We started offwrong. And now, I can make itright. No arrangements. No deals. Just two people falling in love and wanting to be the other one’s person.”

I blink heavily, nodding at the paper in her hands. “This is how we start fresh. And with our truth at the center.”

Her brows crease as she rips the proffered paper from my hands. Her eyes scan the document once and then twice before she raises them to mine as frustration overtakes her stunning features.

“Divorce papers?Really?”
