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“We’re both fine.” Hanna untangled herself from her mother’s grip and took a step back. “I told you not to come,” she added, aiming that at the doctor.

Dr. Warner lifted his shoulder in a gesture that managed to convey a whole lot of frustration. “Isabel insisted on coming and she was going to drive herself. I opted to bring her for a short visit. Short,” he emphasized, aiming a long look at Isabel. “And if she becomes agitated, then I’m taking her right back.”

Isabel was already agitated, but she seemed to make an effort to relax her stiff posture. “I just needed to see that my daughter and grandson were okay and to let Hanna know that I’m arranging for some bodyguards. They’ll be here within the hour.”

Hanna closed her eyes a moment as if fighting to keep her composure. Jesse knew the feeling. He always had to do that around Isabel.

“When the bodyguards arrive, I’ll send them away,” Hanna informed her mother. “I don’t want anyone on the grounds who Jesse hasn’t vetted.”

Isabel’s mouth dropped open and she made a sound of outrage before she whirled around to confront Jesse. “You’re trying to control my daughter.”

“I’m trying to keep control of the situation,” Jesse clarified.

“A situation that wouldn’t be happening if you cops had done your job and kept that killer behind bars.”

“The cops didn’t let Bull escape,” Hanna pointed out just as the doctor cautioned her mother.

“Calm down. Now. Or we’re leaving.”

Dr. Warner took the woman by the arm and led her to the sofa where he had her sit. He got right in her face. “Remember what we talked about on the drive over,” he warned her.

“Yes, you threatened to have me dragged back to the rehab facility,” Isabel sputtered angrily.

“Not dragged, but taken back,” the doctor corrected. “I told you I couldn’t stand by and watch you work yourself up into a frenzy. Your meds will only do so much to keep your blood pressure down. You have to do the rest by staying calm. Hanna and your grandson haven’t been harmed, and Deputy Ryland here has set up security.”

“Security they wouldn’t need if the cops had kept that monster where he belongs,” Isabel grumbled, but at least she hadn’t shouted, and she did seem to be leveling out just a little.

Hanna came into the living room and sat across from her mother. Jesse hoped she wouldn’t mention anything about what Shaw had told them or the phone call from Bull. She didn’t. Hanna just sat there, staring at her mother, waiting for her to continue. She didn’t have to wait long.

“Your studio is gone,” Isabel stated. She was definitely calmer now. “How will you work?”

“I’ve been using the guest room, and I’ll keep using it until I can rebuild the studio.”

“Or you could just move back to the estate with me where you and Evan would have plenty of room, and you wouldn’t be out here all by yourself.”

“I’m not moving,” Hanna insisted. “I like it here, and the quiet makes it easier for me to paint.”

Jesse knew Hanna had felt that way before she’d been shot, and he was always a little surprised to hear she still felt the same. Maybe she didn’t need the memories for this place to feel like her home.

“You look different,” Isabel volunteered, studying Hanna. “You sound different, too. Is that Jesse’s doing—”

“I’m remembering some more things,” Hanna interrupted, no doubt cutting off what would have been her mother taking another jab at him.

Isabel pulled back her shoulders, causing Jesse to tune in to the changes in her expression. Not relief or joy. But rather, concern. Maybe because Isabel was worried about the traumatic memories of the shooting?

“More?” Isabel muttered.

“I told you last week that some memories were starting to return,” Hanna said. “Bits and pieces.”

This was the first Jesse was hearing about that, and he’d seen Hanna at least every other day. Hell. Why had she kept that from him? But he immediately thought of the answer to that. If she’d recalled having sex with him, that probably wasn’t something she would feel comfortable spelling out.

“What did you remember?” Isabel asked her after a long pause.

Hanna paused, too. “Some things about Jesse.”

So, maybe sex, but after studying Hanna, Jesse thought it might be more than that.

That concern in Isabel’s eyes went up a significant notch. “What things about Jesse?” her mother demanded.
